Saturday, April 20, 2013

Quote of the Day - Marco Rubio

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"We should look for ways to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill prone to misusing them, but I oppose legislation that will be used as a vehicle to impose new Second Amendment restrictions on responsible, law-abiding gun owners. We should work to reduce tragic acts of violence by addressing violence at its source, including untreated mental illness, the lack of adequate information-sharing on mental health issues, and the breakdown of the family."

~ Marco Rubio

Today, Palm Beach County Democrats have organized a two hour protest at Marco Rubio's Palm Beach Garden's office--they don't like his stand on gun control and they don't like his recent votes on concealed firearms and expanding background checks even though he was on the majority of the vote.  I guess they don't like the first two amendments to our Constitution either.


  1. The bill made a national gun registry illegal....his quote makes no sense.

    He just didn't have the courage to stand up to the NRA.

  2. You opinion based on????. Tell it to the Democrats who voted right along with him.

  3. The point is that OUR U.S. Senator had no good reason to vote against the bill.

    90 percent of the democrats voted for it. 90 percent of the republicans voted against it.

  4. Why would anyone be against background checks before someone can buy a gun. Rubio needs to look into the eyes of those families that lost their children and tell them why he supports the NRA position. Anyone can go on the internet and buy an assault rifle that can kill hundreds of people in seconds. Can someone tell me why that's legal.

  5. John, He's not against background checks. Everyone in this country wants background checks and we want everyone to follow the laws. The problem is, criminals don't follow the laws we have. He was against expanded background checks with those voting against believing that it is a first step toward a national gun registry and government confiscation of firearms. With a Democratic held Senate, the bill was defeated.

  6. I read that bill wrong. Was it actually a bill for the confiscation of firearms?

  7. I hate guns. Having said that, the bill "would have criminalized certain private transfers of firearms between honest citizens, requiring lifelong friends, neighbors and some family members to get federal government permission to exercise a fundamental right or face prosecution" of the major problems with it and why it didn't get the 60 needed votes. As criminals do not submit to background checks, it was felt by some that the bill was extreme and would do nothing to prevent crime by just tighter restrictions on law-abiding citizens.
