Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Philadelphia on verge of Bankruptcy

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What fundamental issues is Philadelphia's Mayor Nutter solving to rise from the pits?

Pensions? No
Schools? No
Union Salaries? No
Bloated Payrolls? No
Benefits? No


Here in Lake Worth we don't have a pot to P in other than a bunch of potholes but we can contemplate spending $63 million in a city that brings in $9 million in ad-valorem. We have 2008 Bonds that are outstanding in the principal amount of $54,955,000. We have an unfunded union pension liability of tens of millions.


  1. Since 2000 when Bob whitten of the Streets dept retired, then Mr weatherspoon retired right after him. The City CUT CUT CUT CUT on streets routine maintenance tasks like sidewalk and gutter spraying with roundup. They couldnt even afford to buy concentrate 3 gallon jugs anymore. So ....WEEDS WEEDS WEEDS everywhere to this day....

    POTHOLES POTHOLES! The older man with the cigar filling the potholes, retired, cancer, passed away...

    Sidewalk repair- On a complaint basis only. You had to call and complain to get something done about a broken sidewalk.

    Alley grading- Loads of shellrock.gravel got expensive. The drive thru aleys are NOT intended for people to use them to park vehicles behind the house.It is a CITY OF LAKE WORTH Utility Right Of way. 10 feet from the back side of any powerpole is the property line. Utilities paid streets dept an amount each year to trim the vegetation and use a grader machine to keep the gravel alley LEVEL so the big trucks and use thier outriggers to stabilize the truck while the men worked in the high bucket. NOT INTENDED FOR TAXPAYER USE!!!!

    Street Sweeping- 1992 this city purchased 2 brand new sweepers, and in a few years the one operator just about destroyed it and the other sweeper was still in good working order. Most of that time only one sweeper worked in the whole city. 2006 the operator was fired and bob baldwin cut his postion. So for years and years, there was only one sweeper cleaning the WHOLE city....

    Take it from someone who was knows this city like a book. So now 63 million dollars to fix all these streets again and NO ONE TO MAINTAIN THEM...BRIGHT!

  2. About half of that 63 million will go straight into various POCKETS !!! Just like the "beautification" of 6th and 10th. Does anyone with even half a mind think that what we have in those two roads cost 15 and 10 MILLION dollars?!? Times are hard, and the political slush funds of certain town politicos and wanna -be politicos is running critically low.
