Wednesday, April 17, 2013

An Earth Day Comment

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Last night, Commissioner Amaroso responded to my criticism of the Cultural Plaza on my visit to the Earth Day event and how the plaza is neglected. He said that he was disappointed that I did not give kudos on my blog to all the volunteers and the Kiwanis, etc. Earth Day, as well as all our events, are always successful because of the many people involved. This Earth Day was no exception. However, it still does not negate the fact that our plaza has become blighted. I am just as disappointed that this serious problem was not discussed by the commission.

So here's a positive:   OUC, our new energy provider whose contract starts on January 1, 2014, and a company that came in with the best price and much lower than FPL, was there with a booth to introduce themselves to the residents of Lake Worth. They had literature and LED key chains for those who dropped by and said "hi."

Although no law has been broken, we offhandedly learned last night that FPL has been meeting, out of the Sunshine, with each commissioner individually.


  1. I believe I heard Commish McVoy state that he has not met with FPL and called on the other commissioners to conduct their business in the sunshine.

  2. He did state that he had not been contacted by FPL.

  3. to my friends in Greenfield, just a teeny little bitApril 17, 2013 at 9:26 PM

    "In this joyous season, I am celebrating the potential for renewal in Lake Worth which began with a bold move to clean out city management from the top down.
    From Paul Boyer to Susan Stanton… inept, corrupt, wasteful and often cruel leadership disregarded the public and common sense honesty and openness.
    Yes, I know there are those who are disappointed to see Stanton fired but dwelling on one side of her performance while ignoring the other side of the story… is delusional."

  4. Somebody needs to contact OUC and let them know what is being done behind their backs.

  5. During Stanton's tenure as city manager, there Was transparency. I can't say the same thing today under this city manager or this commission. You are lucky to know one damn thing going on here. It is all done out of the eye of the public. Happy to know you are so happy about this. Talk about delusional. Stanton made some very tough decisions that did not make some happy especially some employees and the Unions. Her big mistake was trying to please her critics rather than blocking out the politicos in this city that ended up doing her in. She was 100% on top of her job but should have done something about Kroll. Too bad she had to be nice to Maxwell and to those constantly undermining her efforts.

  6. Stanton was hormonaly unbalanced and at times very irrationally. The stories are epic. I'm happy for Greenfield.

    In what universe are elected officials required to meet "in the sunshine" with any individual?

    Your implication is that they are doing something illegal, unethical or immoral.

    McVoy was sent the same invitation to meet individually with the FPL guy as every other elected official. He doesn't read his city e-mails.

    As you might be aware, if the meeting is with more than one official at a time, it must be "in the sunshine".

  7. You can call Susan Stanton a lot of things, but inept, corrupt and wasteful are not among them in my opinion. She was anything but. Employees who had for many years become accustomed to doing as they wish found it cruel that she demanded 8 hours of competent work from them in return for their wages and generous benefits. People who have not been employed in the real world for the last 10 years may not understand the changes that have taken place in the work environment.
    Lantana was a dump when Bornstein was hired there and it's still a dump 12 years later. I guess that qualifies him to come to Lake Worth. Stanton's high level of performance is the ONLY thing that should be considered. She transformed Largo, FL and could have done the same in Lake Worth. Mr Bornstein has transformed nothing. His own commissioners were so eager to get rid of him that they came to the selection meeting to talk him up. Is that what you would do if you had an employee that you wanted to keep? The only positive thing everyone could say about him was that he is a popular guy. Pretty weak credentials if you ask me. And I am not delusional.

  8. Are you a doctor?
    I qualified my statement by saying it was NOT illegal. However, don't you believe that the public has the right to know what is being discussed here in the shade? Afterall, it is about our most valuable asset.
    As far as Commissioner McVoy is concerned, how do you know he doesn't read his e-mails? Are you sitting there opening up his e-mail account?

  9. Are you a doctor?

    No, but I play one at city commission meetings.

    However, don't you believe that the public has the right to know what is being discussed here in the shade?

    No, I don't. It is none of your f'n business what I discuss with my representative. Local, state or otherwise. Likewise, it's none of mine what you discuss with yours.

    What is important that we all make our wishes known to our reps individually so that when a public meeting is held in the sunshine all viewpoints can be considered.

    As far as Commissioner McVoy is concerned, how do you know he doesn't read his e-mails?

    Because he told me he doesn't read the e-mails sent to his city account and asked me to send any correspondence to his personal e-mail account. I'm sure you have it.

    And finally:

    Afterall, it is about our most valuable asset.

    Absolutely. And we need to start talking about it. I'm happy they are starting the process and looking at all options. I'm interested hearing what they come up with.

    I suppose you are not?

  10. I am not talking about you and what you are discussing with your commissioner or any other elected representative. I am talking about a MAJOR CORPORATION with big bucks, calling up and meeting with our commissioners. They had every opportunity to do that before we chose an energy provider. They lost out on that because they attempted to screw us on the price. The reason why these meetings should be in the Sunshine is to avoid any possible corruption by the commissioner and FPL. If secret meetings continue, we will never trust them or that commissioner. Notes need to be taken and recorded as well. Afterall, how will the commissioner remember what was said? They can't seem to remember a thing about the 4-5 hour tri-meeting. they don't want to admit to crime in our downtown. They only want to talk about thanking Kiwanis instead of doing something about the slum and blight.
    Why can't you post under your real name?

  11. 10:06 how did Stanton transform Largo? Are you from Largo? Did you live in Largo? I lived in Clearwater while Stanton was city manager in Largo. Largo is a cow town with rt. 19 running through the middle of it. What did Stanton "transform"?

  12. I want to jump in here. What I do know about Susan Stanton is that she believed in development. All of you who gave her a hard time had a developer advocate right before your eyes and you just never saw it. Largo began as a rural farming community and became the third largest city in Florida's most densely populated county. Susan had a lot to do with growth in Largo.

  13. " It is none of your f'n business what I discuss with my representative. Local, state or otherwise. Likewise, it's none of mine what you discuss with yours."

    Great ! Perfect! However-You are not a lobbyist working for a multibillion dollar corporation. Are you? Meetings between Lake Worth citizens and Commissioners are very different than what happened here. As elected officials , our Commissioners should all avoid even the ILLUSION of corruption. How do we know that Certain Commissioners didn't get their pockets stuffed. We don't. Go ahead and get huffy about these remarks I just made. You don't know for sure WHAT happened in those meetings. And that's the point, stupid. I want to trust my Commissioners. And for the most part, I do. However, I expect them to know the difference between doing something that they CAN DO vs. something that they SHOULD NOT DO.I don't think that that's to f'n much to ask.
    Katie Mcgiveron

  14. If Stanton was suck an advocate for Business, and Growth, Then why is it that all of her LEFT OVER SUPPORTERS are so against any growth? KEEP OUR CITY LOW RISE. I live in this city, I am part of the OUR

  15. Ok. Since you made a big, bold statement that Stanton supporters are against business and growth--let me say this--YOU LOST the election. Obviously your lies did not work with everyone. You are totally obsessed with lies and misinformation.
