Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The City has gone to Pot

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Last night's commission meeting was interesting for two reasons:

The commission passed 9 items on Consent totaling around $600,000--no discussion, no comment and no one from the public was allowed to weigh in on the spending of their tax dollars. It all passed on a 4/0 vote with John Szerdi absent.

A Roadway and Utilities Master Plan was presented. The city conducted one of those "dreaded' studies that was contracted in 2012 that some are always so against, (they think we can make important decisions without the facts) to come up with a plan for Lake Worth. Our roadways were ranked by a national standard and the situation is not pretty.

Per the City, our roads have been deteriorating due to lack of capitol improvements and maintenance. The lack of money was not mentioned during the presentation.  69% of the roadways are paved, 12% of the alleyways are paved. It was stated that the city has 116 miles of paved roads and alleys and 27 miles of unpaved. Those roads that were identified for full capital improvements and full road construction will amount to $8.79 million.

The entire roadway and utilities master plan cost comes to $63.35 million with roadways at 47% of the cost.

It has to make you wonder--we can't afford a twig to replace the ficus that was "accidentally" cut down at the Cultural Plaza but the city is proposing that the residents pay $63 million for roads, stormwater, sewer, and 15 miles of water mains along with 136 new fire hydrants.


  1. Someone(s)' going to get wealthy. it won't be the taxpayers.

  2. i have been in lake worth for 10 years and i have seen no change--and please people dont mention the cassino--what else--we are poor they cant even fix the pot holes which i drove over and had to bring my car in

  3. Maybe Lake Worth needs to grow some pot. Then we could afford to fix the pot-holes!
