Friday, February 22, 2013

Street Painting Festival begins tomorrow in Lake Worth

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Lake Worth's Street Painting Festival begins on Saturday, February 23 through Sunday the 24th.

The 19th Annual Street Painting Festival will draw visitors who watch as more than 400 artists use the pavement to transform downtown Lake Worth into a temporary outdoor gallery of original art and masterpiece reproductions, according to the Street Painting Festival web site.

Even though our Street Painting Festival is Number One to me, on Tuesday night the Mayor mentioned that we are the largest street painting festival in the world.  Ah oh, it looks like we are competing with a city in California that surpassed our numbers in 2005. Perhaps their artists have dropped off in the last 8 years. Read about it here.


  1. I love this festival!

    The words - "World's Largest"

    Wonder if the Definition has
    been changed in the

    "Dictionary of the New Urbanism"

    Perhaps a Resolution through the
    "Congress Of the New Urbanism"


    "Congress of Cities"


    "Conference of Mayors"


    "Fill in the Blank" w/any other
    newly created NGO whose mission is to Usurp "We the People's" Authority!

    This IS EXACTLY what Orwell wrote
    about changing words meanings.

    War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Ignorance is strength.
    - George Orwell

    History shows
    "There is Nothing New under the Sun"

  2. The streets are already barricaded. What a mess just trying to get to the bank to get money for Respectful Planning pac.

  3. God forbid. A politican using hyperbole to promote their city. Why don't you asswipes report Pam to the city of Pasadenda for making a false statement.

  4. I decided to let the people see how mean spirited you are and how nasty. Name calling is unnecessary. Pam Triolo ALWAYS tells the truth. Happy?

  5. Actually I think the Charter should require the Dais should be sworn in at every public meeting and if they lie about ANYTHING, they should be held accountable. Heck if I don't cut my grass they can punish me and take my homesteaded house - so why can't they at least google the facts before they announce it like it's true.

    People believe people in power so they should be sure of what they say

    I personally wonder - if they lie about something like this - what
    else will they lie about?

    Another reason why I believe you can't teach ethic's to an adult - imho

  6. We have always been told that ours is the biggest in the world. I truly believe it most do. I believe Maryanne got the idea from California somewhere... don't know the story here. if someone knows, please post.
