Friday, February 22, 2013

You can't trust a Politician

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Be cautious if uttered from the mouth of a politician

So, when you hear politicians and politically appointed board members say "We just have to grow the downtown so developers can make money or we will die," call them to the carpet. Remind them that we have been a small town with a small downtown for 100 years and people like it that way.


  1. I haven't heard anyone say "so developers can make money".
    The city is broke. How do you propose the city turns it's dire finanaical situtation around?

  2. Do you honestly believe it is by growing buildings taller in our downtown? Tell us how that happens, anonymous.

  3. anony at 145, that is exactly what they are saying. If we don't allow taller buildings no one will want to come here and develop. They say it needs to be financially feasible for them. That's their entire argument. Where have you been????????????????????? RRPac says that is hogwash and they can prove it.

  4. Then answer the question. The city is broke. There are too many people that live under the poverty line in Lake Worth, we can't continue to use the utility to operate the city while crushing the poor with high utility rates, or continue to ignore the fact that businesses and savy home buyers won't move to Lake Worth. These are facts and they can't be argued.
    How does the RRPac propose to increase revenue for the city?

  5. I don't need to answer the question if you are addressing me. This is NOT about the utility. This is about heights and the Charter amendment. Let's not change the subject and pretend that having a hotel (and we can have one if an investor/developer wants to buy and open the Gulfstream and update it or build 4 stories on to the property)--this is about the charter Amendment. RPPac is about heights, not the Utility. Increasing revenue has nothing to do with a hotel or increasing heights. Let's not get this amendment confused with some other issue.

  6. That's amazing. Someone asks a pertinent question. How do you propose to raise revenue? You pick out his comment about the utilities and then refuse to answer the question. The question wasn't about utilities.

    Why haven't you had any public discussions about how lowering the heights keeping Lake Worth "Low Rent" will help our economy or create or support jobs here.

    Could it be that one on one you can state these untruths and warn people about the greedy developers wanting to put a ten story building next to their house?

    You are worse than what you accuse us of. Have the guts to have an open forum. Let people learn just how high we are allowed to build for the past 50 years and where. Nobody wants to build higher. We want to keep the heights where they are. Period.

    It is a lie that we want to raise the height limit.

  7. Loretta?
    I believe that I answered your question.
    Revenue has nothing to do with building a 6 story building in the CRA district. It is not the Pac's mission to revenue find. that is not up to citizens in LW.

    In addition, it is my opinion that keeping LW "Low rent" will help the present merchants. Building new and higher buildings will affect the rents and escalate them like the Lucerne did. Is that what you want, anonymous? More empty stores down the pike? the reason stores are empty now is because of high rents.

    And personally, I am not interested in how we were allowed to build in the past. It is you who changed the heights in the comp Plan last year and pulled your dirty political coups. I volunteered to help protect our low rise city and not allow you self-servers to ruin it.

    And this is the only forum of which I have an interest.
