Friday, February 22, 2013

On Heights and Political Shenanigans

Comment Up--Mayor answers question

I e-mailed the mayor to confirm her State of the City Address that has been announced on another blog to be held on March 11 from 6 to 8pm at the casino ballroom.

Is the date coincidental?  If the State of the City Address takes place on March 11th, not at all. This is very well planned out for a last minute political rally for growing our downtown vertically from a majority commission that just refuses to allow the referendum process to go unimpeded.  The Mayor's speech is happening the day before the election.

And a reminder of the mayor's famous quote of a year or so ago-- "I am not political." Actually it would be nice if elected officials represented all of the people and not their own special interests. They never do. They need to stay out of the referendum process which would be the ethical and democratic thing to do.

As far as the state of the city is concerned, we are working our way out of the financial meltdown that hit us particularly hard  because of the smaller properties on smaller lots and the many rentals that have been neglected by slum landlords.  Let's work on the slum, the blight and the crime. If you don't do that, NO ONE will want to move or bring a business here. We just had two people shot to death in the hood the other night. We need a major doubt about it but a developer can  make money on a four story hotel. They are being built every day. But investment in our city is limited because no one has on blinders to the crime, the blight and the slums in our neighborhoods and the many growing pot holes all over town.

Back on December 1, 2012, the City hired a consultant, Steven Fett architect from Miami and an old school chum of William Waters to perform certain architectural design services in order to present its case of a Hotel Enterprise District. The term of his contract is for 3 months, another strategic play right before the election.  He was hired after the commission denied the referendum to be placed on the November ballot. The city paid $7,500 of your tax money for Mr. Fett's services. The mayor did not sign the contract and signing contracts is one of her duties per the Charter. It was signed by Glen Torcivia and Michael Bornstein, not one of their duties mentioned in the Charter.  Mr. Fett was recommended by William Waters for  "education" and to persuade the citizens to the majority commission's point of view.  He showed his vision for the blocks between Federal and Golfview Roads and there were no surprises--just bigger buildings and many with no parking.

With the Chair of the Historic Preservation Board saying "The wolf is not at the door," it did not seem that way to all those sitting in the chamber on Wednesday night. The appointed political boards and staff presented one side of the situation ( based on fear) and they should have refrained from political commentary in light of the referendum. If the wolf is not at the door, and it could take 50 years they tell us before changes are made, why are they trying and lying so hard?

Former U.S. Sen. George LeMieux recently said, "We've (Florida) had the worst GDP recovery in 100, slower even than the Great Depression. We've got a lot of room to make up for what was really a depression in Florida." This is something that planners and developer types don't ever want to admit or tell you. Instead they like to tell us that it is silly people with silly reasons such as wanting to keep our downtown small and quaint that are holding up what they consider "progress."

Let's protect our downtown.  Vote YES on amendment 2 on March 12.

The most important blog of this campaign


  1. The Mayor just responded:

    Sure. I asked city staff to find an available date and venue and schedule a state of the city address as I haven't given one since elected. We've had a lot of work to do, and I wanted to wait until the power supply agreement was completed as this is a major concern for every resident and deserved our undivided attention. It's been a year and four months since elected and we have accomplished great things in that time, yet challenges still loom. With the excitement over our new beach project, this is a great time to get our residents up to the property if they haven't been there already or in a while and share the news of the city. Unlike other municipalities, this event is free and open to everyone.

    We're stupid, mayor.

  2. It's really not free since you will have to pay for parking!

  3. Park for free at Bryant park and walk across the bridge or at the Fairfield Inn across the street on A1A, or car pool with friends, or ride your biycicle, glad I could help, anymore questions, I have answers.

  4. Lake Worth is a low rise bikeable city.
    Ride your bikes. Stop frigginwhining about everything.

  5. I don't ride a bike. I'm not Wes Blackman who comes up with all these frigging great ideas. :)

  6. It's outrageous. They do think we are stupid. Seems to me that they keep bringing up the election and heights that they are doing something illegal. have you checked with an attorney. What does the city mgr say? City attny? Or are they all wimps?
