Thursday, February 28, 2013

City Notice of Illegal Sign

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Letter is dated 11am on February 25 and tells them to take it down within 48 hours. Still there. These people are above the law.


  1. Certainly shows how impotent the city manager is. 48 hours?

  2. I wouldn't worry about it any longer. I am just posting what is going on with it. It will not make a difference. Sharpe's refusal to take it down has back-fired and now they are held in even lower esteem. Loretta, get some better advisers. Maybe you need all these people who REALLY write my blog. They are pretty smart people.

  3. Today's Post has a short article from Willie Howard stating the city manager says the banner is down.
    Get your head out of the sand Willie, pay attention, check on the facts before you lose more credibility.

  4. Greg Rice, Loretta Sharpe and Wes Blackman need to be removed from their board postions. These people are totally disgusting and corrupt.Defacing a structure listed on the national register of historic places could cost Lake Worth thousands in federal grant dollars.

  5. You forgot John rinaldi. He said he wanted the banner even bigger~!

  6. I do have concerns about board members campaigning like this, their title may fool some people into thinking their opinion ought to carry greater weight.

  7. I'm voting yes because of the 4-5 story building located at 2nd Ave. north, which has been empty since it was built. Just look at how that building towers over the small historic cottages behind it. Blocking the sun, the breeze, people in offices (when someone moves in) looking out their office windows into your private fenced yard.

    Its horrible and it doesn't benefit anyone except the developer. I don't even think the developer made any money b/c its empty.
