Thursday, February 28, 2013

County Commissioners vote on Up-Zoning - Century Village

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The most important person on today's dais

Today is the day that the Palm Beach County Commission decides on the Century Village/Reflections Bay perpetuity case. If you recall, it had to come back to the commission as Shelley Vana was absent from the January 24th meeting where the vote ended in a 3/3 on the rezoning issue for a builder to build 689 homes, town houses, retail and a civic center. Vana is the swing vote here. I would not put too much confidence in Vana's vote on the side of 13,000 residents in Century village and her upholding a Contract they have as she has already shown her colors in the Hatcher Mango Groves up-zoning situation. Hatcher Mango Groves went before the PB County Commission on January 3rd to change the zoning to high commercial and she voted against the Hatchers and those property owners living around the property. She lost that one.

Century Village is asking for a delay in the vote to allow a judge to consider the deed restriction on the property on "perpetuity," that prevents anything being built on it other than a golf course.

Palm Beach Post
Letters to the Editor
January 31, 2013

Century Village residents get shafted by officials

Just three of seven Palm Beach County commissioners have taken it upon themselves to change the time-honored and universally accepted definition (see Webster’s Dictionary) of the word “perpetuity” from “forever, unending” to “whenever we feel like it.” What’s next? Our environmental areas protected “in perpetuity?”

I do not live in Century Village West Palm Beach, but if this betrayal can happen to them, it can happen to any of us. The residents of Century Village were promised a golf course. What they are now getting is a run-down piece of property intentionally ignored by the owner in hopes of getting approval to build a community that is opposed by the majority. If this property owner cannot even have this parcel mowed and cleaned up, why would anyone believe that he could build and maintain a whole community in a proper manner?

My fellow Palm Beach County residents, do not let our representatives redefine the conditions of a contract. If they get away with it now, what’s next?


Royal Palm Beach

1 comment:

  1. Kick Vana's ample behind out of office ! Replace that developer funded piece of TRASH with an honest person. Palm Beach County deserves better than this dishonset BIT$H!
