Thursday, February 28, 2013

Quote of the Day - Loretta Sharpe

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"I didn't know a banner was a sign."

~ Loretta Sharpe, member of the Historic Preservation board, local Realtor for 26 years and former candidate for mayor of Lake Worth.


  1. Jesus, Loretta.What ever are you thinking by not taking it down?I guess you are not as smart as I thought you were.You are only into your special interests.How sad.

  2. Why don´t you quote everything that Loretta said?

  3. Mayor Triolo, and Commissioners- is Lorretta Sharpe,a complete liar, going to be allowed to continue on as a board member of the Historic Board?

  4. Resign Loretta. You don't want to live by the law, you shouldn't be serving on any kind of local board.

  5. Everyone needs to start putting up your own "Bite Me Bornstein" signs on your property.Make them as huge as possible. See how long the city lets YOUR illegal sign,on your private property, stay up.

  6. Actually Lynn if you read what Loretta said is she knows there is a sign code, she did not know there was a Banner Code, and Willie Howard did not know either.

  7. Yeah, right, everyone wants to play ignorant that a banner with writing on it is not a sign. yeah, we get it.

  8. Did Loretta really say this?
    How can someone not know a banner with a worded message is a sign?

  9. What she said:
    Of course I know we have a SIGN CODE
    I did not know we had a BANNER Code. Neither did Willie Howard.

  10. she is playing dumb or maybe she is not to sharpe---get it

  11. 9:09 You're not playing dumb, you are dumb. Your line should read "or maybe she is not TOO sharpe--get it.
    Thanks for showcasing the itelligence and education level of the gang that's anti business anti developement anti propsperity.
    Great qualities.

  12. Do you get it? The word is SHARP, not SHARPE. Who is dumb?
