Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bloodshot Eyed Crack Dealer arrested in Lake Worth

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Man on North D Street in Lake Worth arrested for selling crack



  1. there is so much of this it isn't funny.

  2. Not a surprise, saw it coming, they live at 223 North D Street, always out in the street and loud music, they act like no one else lives here or has any respect for the other people who live and sleep in houses around here. I am glad the police are cracking down on these ghetto boys, we need the police to do more though, there is way too much of all of this on D and E Streets between First South and 2nd Ave north. Amaroso and the others know it is a hood, but do little about all the problems here, really.

  3. Great. We have dope dealers. We have crack heads. We have the kava bar. We have gangs, guns, prostitutes and home robberies. When will it end. Even if we paid PBSO double, they would not get rid of them. Tighter codes and responsible landlords are the answer.

  4. Amen Lynn, I wish you would be mayor or run for office, you might be able to help this city some, the police and current leaders never do. Crime is getting bad again in the hood.

  5. Isn't 223 North D st. in McVoy's district?

  6. LW depends on the Sheriff to do its job. They are behind the eight ball and always will be. What can a commissioner do about it? Wasn't scott maxwell going to clean up the entire city? What happened to that?

  7. Scott Maxwell is a liar, he lies about a lot. He does very little. He said his priority was codes and to eliminate blight, what a joke, do you think many really respect him? he runs his filthy mouth, but never does a darn thing, the city looks bad again, so much blight and uncared for properties all over.

  8. Those guys moved in a few months ago, it's pretty obvious what they're up to. there's always cars pulling over there, blocking the street. So one of them had to wave down an undercover cop in order to get any PBSO attention? it's only blocks from the police station. Is PBSO blind???
