Tuesday, September 25, 2012

His name is Ponyo -- Japanese Chin

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Katie is getting another dog, a Japanese Chin. This breed is considered one of the most cat-like of the dog breeds in attitude: it is alert, intelligent, and independent, and it uses its paws to wash and wipe its face.

Katie's daughter, Shae, fell in love with Chins so as soon as he is old enough to take away from his mother, he will be a new addition at the McGiveron family already with 3 cats and 2 dogs. This photo is not the one they are buying but similar...a new born weighing 5.4 ounces at birth now at 12.5 ounces and eyes still closed.

He will look similar to the photo below once he is grown.


  1. " it is alert, intelligent, and independent, and it uses its paws to wash and wipe its face."
    Lynn I think you just described ME!LOL. We can't wait to get the little guy. Shae says this is HER dog-he will be going off to college with her,etc. Hmmm,we'll see.Katie

  2. Liberals adopt dogs out of the pound.
    Conservatives needs "status" dogs to feel better about themselves.

  3. Obama has a Portuguese Water Dog...no mutt, anonymous. Anything else you want to make up about conservatives? Now you're hitting on their dogs? LOL

  4. Portuguese Water dogs cost from $1,800 to $2,500 and aren't as common as other popular breeds. The dogs don't often end up in shelters for adoption. Are you saying that now people can't buy what they want either or is this just another democratic wise crack?

  5. Us getting this little dog has NOTHING to do with being a liberal or conservative!How silly! Lets see,our three cats are rescue cats. Our two dogs were bought from a breeder after MUCH researh.By your "logic" , I guess that makes me a MODERATE! No matter how you get your animals,make sure that they will be loved and cared for for their ENTIRE lives. Thanks for the great Chin pictures, Lynn.Katie

  6. Hey 3:08 p.m.!
    I seriously doubt Shae's first thought was having a status dog! Such a cynical idea applied to this loving family is ridiculous! I cannot think of a finer home for this precious animal! Katie, let me know when Ponyo (a darling name) is in the house! Bless the McGiveron’s for bringing love and joy to another animal! And thank you Lynn, the photos are adorable. Barbara Jean

  7. Please adopt rather than buying. It's not a matter of politics or doing research, it's a matter of knowing there are thousands of wonderful animals in shelters and foster homes who need a forever home. Everytime someone buys a dog, that is one less home for a needy one. Everytime that new owner shows off the dog they bought, they promote buying over adopting and hence are part of the problem.

  8. Katie is a loving parent and a highly responsible pet owner. Why should she not have what she wants? This is for her daughter who wants it and because of excellent grades, is getting it. Next, she should not have to be made to feel guilty for buying what she wants. She should not be the solution to lousy pet owners out here. Some of those people should be in jail. Katie's animals all have a good home where they are loved and never neglected. She travels to the dog park so that Naughty can get exercise and run, taking time out of her busy day instead of simply letting him out the back door.

    Buying a pet from the pound is noble, no doubt about it.

  9. Oh my, what silly talk. I'm about as liberal as you get, and I have a sweet rescued Peke and am picking up a show Chin next weekend. I've had Chin for 15 years and for me, there's nothing like them. Still, my heart is open to rescues as well. Why would I limit myself?
    Variety is the spice of life.
