Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Allen West on Obama's Appeasement Speech to U.N.

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In his speech today to the United Nations, President Obama stated six times that the attacks across the Islamic world are attributed to a silly video. Furthermore, he refused to use the words terrorist attack in referring to what occurred in Benghazi Libya at our US Consulate on the 11th anniversary of 9-11. He continues to offer up apologies instead of defending our hard earned First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression. There is no message to this silly video trailer, and it is beneath the dignity and esteem of the Office of the President of the United States to mention it at all.

When tolerance becomes a one way street it leads to cultural suicide. I shall not be tolerant of the intolerant. I know about the UN Resolution 1618 which would make any statement deemed by the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) “offensive’ to Islam a crime…..NOT ON MY WATCH FELLAS!

My statement to the United Nations would have been, “The future does not belong to those who attack our Embassies and Consulates and kill our Ambassadors. The Angel of Death in the form of an American Bald Eagle will visit you and wreak havoc and destruction upon your existence.”



  1. What a load of b.s. from Colonel West. A good example why military men make (mostly) horrible politicians. Diplomacy is only on the battle field.

  2. Military men such as Allen West tell the truth--politicians have a lot of problem with that and a main reason why we are in the shape we are in. Thank God for Allen West.

  3. Can't wait for Westie to lose his election in November.
    But don't worry you will still be able to watch him on Fux News as a political contributor. He's going to be busy bashing obama for the next 4 years but the joke's on Westie. Nobody cares what he has to say.
    Except the small percentage angry misinformed.
