Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Candidate Forum

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What's wrong with this picture?
Aside from being just a lousy photograph--

I was told by College Park Neighborhood President, Mary Lindsey, not to use a flash...they did not want the candidates disturbed during the question and answer period. You would think that last nights' forum was a federal case or something. These two candidates being disturbed by a flash from a camera? First Amendment and all of that. As an elected official, they will have to deal with so much more "aggravation" than a flash from a camera. And if they can't, then they should quit the race right now.

There were two lecterns on the stage--one in the middle of the stage with good light and the other to the right of the stage, out of the light. McVoy was in the dark the entire night, not a strategic place to be. A better arrangement would have been to have one lectern with both candidates seated on each side and each coming up to the podium that was lighted during their two minutes to answer each question. Lecterns are supposed to be in strategic positions--one was not.

And although McVoy was in the dark the entire night, he was not in the dark as far as his answers that were spot on. Stafford also did a good job and was coached well. He stumbled at one point, not having an answer but this is the first public "debate." Also, he harped on our electric utility--fix it and get competitive rates or sell it was his main point. He has always made electric rates a focus since he first came on the scene several years ago but never has given any solutions on making up the $10 million we pull from it to operate our city and balance our budget.

Even though there is a ballot initiative coming up in March, not one submitted question from the crowd on the subject of heights in our downtown was asked of the candidates, an issue that is highly significant. It was totally avoided.

All in all, it was one of the better organized neighborhood debates in years. It was nice to see John Paxman as moderator. He will be back at the Lake Worth Playhouse as moderator for the neighborhood council debate on October 22 at 7:00pm.


  1. This was just showing control and who was boss. You come to our debate then you play by our rules.

  2. Why didn't they kick him off the stage entirely? Wasn't that the plan?

  3. Relegated to obscurity, you did a great job, Christopher. Who says NA's are not political?

  4. Yes, although it didn't occur to me last night, the stage set-up was a little curious. We went in knowing nothing about Stafford, but came out knowing he wasn't getting a single vote from our household. He appeared to be nothing more than an attack artist with no real grasp on any of the issues that relied on scare tactics and accusatory statements. I was also appalled when he started out by insinuating that everyone in the audience could afford their utility bill, but he couldn't. Whether or not that is true, he has no right to assume anything about the audience. I could also care less about his family life. Although, it was entertaining to count how many times he used the words "family" and "symbiotic".

  5. He also appealed to th4e sympathy vote by stating he had a disabled child and could not navigate in the downtown. That was everyone's fault too.

  6. I heard that McVoy trounced Stafford. Stafford's wife apparently has a library card and he was once in a library himself. He obviously has what it takes.

  7. Hard to believe that Mcoy could trounce anyone. Except Mulvehill.

  8. There was a question on the heights but you missed it because you came an hour late

  9. Mary said she sent you a post about the set up and flash photography at the event. She has also posted it on her blog and Facebook.

    Did you get it? If so are you going to post it here?

  10. NEVER got it. Don't really have time to read all the blogs. You noticed I got there "late?" The way it was told to me there would be a NA business meeting first followed by the Forum at 7pm to 9pm. Everyone else got the memo I guess.

  11. Well, the fact is that he is an accomplished public speaker, whether you like him or not. And Mulvehill apparently trounced Lisa Maxwell, because Mulvehill got re-elected.
    What's so great about Stafford? Except for his girth.
    The problem with you haters is that you live in a fantasy world where having a server login and a relative with a library card makes you a viable candidate for office. Where campaign promises are made with no forethought and with no understanding of the negative impact that comes with fulfilling them.
    Oh, that reminds me: Mulvehill leaves office of her own volition, and could most certainly have been re-elected if she chose to run again (Szerdi has all the charisma of a very wet noodle) and she also FULFILLED all of her campaign promises. The mayor will have to bring back the assessment that she so gallantly (and with towering stupidity) repealed this year. Mulvehill will not have to knock down the Casino, or shut down the RO plant. Just a couple of the many wonderful accomplishments she can claim in her tenure.
    Go ahead, have a hissy fit.

  12. I didn't notice the lighting. I think McVoy did really well at the event, and didn't notice the lighting as being bad. but I was sitting on the right side of the room. Stafford did well to, but he was more focused on what he thought needed fixing, as opposed to actual things to be done, or that were already being done. McVoy spoke clearly and succinctly, and even at times, humorously... Loved the Hair comment.

  13. Stafford said he was not opposed to heights that are consistent with what is there East of Federal to help connect the lakefront to the downtown, but is happy with "letting the people vote" in March and he would respect the wishes of the majority of voters.

    McVoy was for keeping us quaint. That even though you can utilize set backs and step backs in LDR's, that people could ask for variances from those and claim financial hardship.

    That is the way I heard it anyway.

  14. A question was asked on heights but no questions were taken from the audience on the subject or the comprehensive plan vs.the Charter. They were looking for questions from the audience and then after getting them, discarded them.

  15. This reminded me of the July 4th raft races. If you were not there early, you missed the whole race because they started them earlier than advertised. In this case, their neighborhood business was brief and they started the forum earlier than even advertised in their slick program.

  16. You are so negative on this blog sometimes... Everyone there did their best. A representative from each NA involved was asked to sort and choose the questions from the large number submitted. I think it was the best set-up ever, thanks to the downtown merchants for donating wonderful door prizes, and for Kilwin's for the awesom Chocolate and coffee! The program was quite slick! thanks to the Herald for donating the full color bifold program (I kept 2!) Thanks to Mary for her tireless effort and Welcome, and thanks to the Church for the setup and wonderful hospitality! I noticed they left the AC on for us! Topics covered included Budget, Beach, Heights, Library, Reserves, Parking downtown, City Services, and a bunch of others... The next Neighborhood Forum is sponsored by Bryant Park, and South Palm Park, and is on Oct 8th. I know I will be there, prob a bit early to get a good seat, and I am already thinking of good questions to ask.

  17. Sorry you feel it is "negative." I was pointing out the facts. When you are having a political forum, everyone needs a fair shot under the same conditions. Other than that, it was a well run forum and I give kudos to all the NA presidents for putting on one of the best. I acknowledged such in my last paragraph.

  18. That's too bad Stafford cannot afford his electric bill, might have something to do with the size of his grocery bill. I certainly wouldn't vote for someone who's not even capable enough to earn enough to pay their electric bill. In my opinion, if you can't balance your own budget, you obviously can't balance the budget of an entire City. The guy doesn't even work, he just hangs around taking pictures of useless crap and posting everything on Facebook. Newsflash Jim, "Facebook Poster" is not a job. Sorry Jim, but I'm going with McVoy has our vote this time.
