Monday, September 24, 2012

Obama Lies

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Does anyone care that Obama lies?

I hope everyone watched 60 Minutes last night. President Barack Obama told CBS News’ 60 Minutes that “ninety percent” of the reason the federal budget deficit has risen dramatically under his administration is because of his predecessor, George W. Bush. Not only is that a baldfaced lie--Obama borrowed more money in less than four years than Bush did in eight--but it is a lie that many in the media want to believe, as Andrew Sullivan of Newsweek demonstrates.

Read more... at Breitbart.

It is because of such willful self-delusion and fakery by significant portions of the media that Obama believes he can get away with lying about the deficit, says


  1. I'm not the only one--You don't live in a cave do you?

  2. What about this?

  3. What about this?

  4. It's obvious that both candidates are think anything different means you have swallowed the kool aid. Which Is evidently is ok as most US voters have their head so far up their A** that they don't realize how horribly bad both candidates actually are.

  5. All politicians lie. Just look at our present commission. The mayor and andy lied.

  6. They will tell you and promise everything to get a vote. Then watch out. They are all a bunch of full blooded liars.

  7. Hello, Lynn. Now would be a great time for a hit piece on Jim Stafford. How do we order one? Would you like some content? So how is the view from the bunker these days? Gee, so charming there by the lake, all the sunsets, the birds, all the uniformity, the billboard, the association rules, all the eyes making sure nothing ever goes amiss, the $250 tax Lake Worth charming. No wonder you love this town so much. Your living on the cheap, Bitch.

  8. Every now and then I let one of these comments get through in order for everyone to see what sort of sleaze is on one side of the political stream here in LW. This is so typical of Stafford... showing true colors?

  9. The only thing that our government is obligated to do for the American people is protect us. Obama is an AWAL Commander- in- chief.The Middle East is on fire.Americans have been murdered on American soil. Obama describes these murders as "bumps in the road".WTF????? Obama has NO TIME to meet with the Prime Minister of ISRAEL,no time to attend his daily security briefings,!!!!!!He does however,have time to go on "THE VIEW".The Obama administration is sheer incompetence on parade.If Israel ,one of our closest allies ,gets bombed off the map,what will Obama say? Oops,my bad? My guess is "mission accomplished".

  10. Nice direct quotes from Fox news......

  11. You have a problem with truth, anony at 8:18

  12. Instead of worrying about a news outlet,how about ANY? concern about quotes from the President of the United States? Do you agree with his "bump in the road " comments?

  13. If you think Israel is going to get "bombed of the map" you not only have a problem with the truth you have a problem with reality.
    The quotes from 7:51 come directly from Sean Hannity and Fux news.
    The middle east is on fire? Wow.
    Former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair an international envoy to the middle east, who has visited the middle east a lot more than Hannity states Obama is making smart thoughtful decisions in the middle east.
    Now I'm sure the readers of this blog have been to that region more than Blair but he is a world leader so he may have a better grasp on the situation. Maybe.

  14. You have a better grasp on Obama's policy and Israel than does Israel? have you been to that region? What a stupid statement. Listen to Fox News if you want to learn.

  15. Those comments were all over the news ! NOT just on one particular talk show. And so fuxing what? Do you agree that the murder of Americans should be described by our President as "bumps in the road"? The Mission accomplisherd statement was my OWN-proud to say.I am starting to think that Obama's allegience is to the Muslim Brotherhood and not to America.Two years ago I would have said that was crazy talk. Now,not at all.
