Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Votar hoy

While I was petitioning, I actually ran into a few registered voters who did NOT speak nor write or understand English. You have to wonder how they can make a difference in our process. Even our ballot information from the Supervisor of Elections is in both English and Spanish and Lake Worth's election information is also in Spanish. We are making it easier and easier for immigrants never to assimilate and truly be a part of this country.

Adopted by referendum in 1988, English is the official language of Florida. One of the main reasons voters approved this amendment was to cut the costs of government and reduce waste caused by producing information in different languages. As you can see by the huge influx of illegal aliens over the last 20 years, this objective never was realized and the Florida Charter as well as the voters wishes have been ignored.


Con la presente se NOTIFICA que el martes 6 de noviembre de 2012, se llevarán a cabo los comicios generales en la Ciudad de Lake Worth (y en caso necesario, votación para desempate, el martes 20 de noviembre de 2012) con el propósito de elegir un Comisionado del Distrito #2 y un Comisionado del Distrito #4, por un período de dos (2) años cada uno.

 Las personas que deseen postularse pueden calificarse con la Escribiente de la Ciudad, desde el mediodía del martes, 7 de agosto de 2012 hasta el mediodía del martes, 21 de agosto de 2012.

 Los electores serán todos los ciudadanos calificados por los estatutos de la Ciudad de Lake Worth, la Constitución, y las leyes de la Florida y que sean votantes inscritos en el Condado de Palm Beach con residencia principal en la Ciudad de Lake Worth.

 Los comicios se realizarán conforme a los estatutos de la Ciudad de Lake Worth, Florida, y las Leyes Electorales del Estado de la Florida.

Pamela J. Lopez, MMC
Escribiente de la Ciudad


  1. I should have added--thanks to the Feds, Obama and the Justice Dept.

  2. Declaring an official language would abridge the rights of individuals with limited English proficiency, individuals who are paying taxes and who are entitled to the same rights as those who speak English
