Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Where is the Outrage? Allen West Speaks Out

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  1. I don't understand something? West keeps complaining about the liberal media but:
    Fux News is the #1 news show
    Rush Limbaugh has the # 1 radio show
    Shawn Hannity has the #2 radio show
    Mark Levin has the #3 radio show.
    Is West saying that the opinions of the liberal media are more influential than these conservative heavyweights?

    Or is Westie using the "liberal media" as a non existent boogie man again?

  2. You see? That's what unintelligent people do when they have no argument. They have to resort to personal attacks. Grow up and start working on your personality. Get a little wisdom. Be nicer.

  3. At least they didn't picture him shoving her head in a barrel and firing off a pistol beside it.

  4. No, war is a totally different situation.

  5. If conservative talk shows are the most popular, why are conservatives always complaining about the media? I think this confirms my question. If conservative talk shows and news shows are the most popular media, but the conservatives are always complaining about the media they must realize they have no influence over voters and the hate mongering they all do is pointless and useless.

    2:06 was a little harsh but very accurate. You support, march with and sign petitions with the most liberal faction of Lake Worth voters. Do you consider them all lying dogs?

    You sound like Ryan calling all liberals a cancer on the united states. As if having compassion for the poor and needy that need help is a bad thing but giving tax breaks to the wealthy that don't need them is a good thing.
    You can post that under conservative logic.

  6. "At least they didn't picture him shoving her head in a barrel and firing off a pistol beside it."

    Oh, the inhumanity. Oh, the torture. When they catch our guys or their enemies alive, they use battery operated drills to prolong the pain.

    We put wet towels over their head to simulate drowning... very frightful but not permanent and not painful.

    Now we just zap them from above and five miles away with a drone. Very sterile and permanent. Just so we don't "torture" them.

  7. 2:06 WAS A"LITTLE" HARSH? It is the liberal media that lies, distorts and demonizes the Right. I am a Democrat. If I can see it, anyone can see it. Dems just will not tell the truth.

  8. "War is different." Right, Lynn, in war, real men--especially commanding officers--take the law into their own hands. There's a word for that.

  9. Steve, you and I will never agree on this one.

  10. You got it wrong--All Republicans are for Allen West. So are a lot of conservative Democrats. Scott Maxwell is for Allen West. Yesterday 15,000 people were for him as well!
