Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Vote in Primary

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Susan Ciocci, Poll Worker at United Method Church
1801 12th Avenue South

At 9:30 I was voter number 31. Today's primary is very important to several elections:

Kristin Jacobs/Lois Frankel in District 22. The winner today will run against Republican Adam Hasner in November's General Election.

Mack Bernard/Jeff Clemens in District 27. The winner of this primary will be our new State Senator District 27.


  1. Lynn, can you double check on the District 27 race? I think I read somewhere (don't remember where) that there's an official "write in candidate" for that office. So whoever wins today would have to run in November against a "blank line" on the ballot.

    Meanwhile, I'm not really a fan of Mack Bernard, but definitely voted against Clemens. Jeff Clemens is the second biggest embarrassment to come out of LW politics after Mark Folley.

  2. Slow turnout expected today? half of these people don't even know how to read and probably don't even kno

  3. District 27 will effectively be decided today because the winner will face only a write-in candidate in the general election, and write-in candidates’ names normally do not appear on the ballot. However I heard that there is a write-in from Lake Park, candidate Travis Genard Harris.

  4. I know what you mean about this election. First of all they are Democrats. That is enough. Bernard is backed by developers. Another minus.

  5. I went to vote today, since I am NPA I could not vote in deciding on Clemens or Bernard, that is not fair since there is no Repub. candidate. That really ticked me off. I can't stand clemens. Hope Bernard wins. I was able to vote on all county democrates, but not that one on my ballot, why don't they change this so we can vote on all when there is no opposing party candidate. This is crazy, our laws are so messed up. I will never be a dem or repub. NPA, only for me, I despise politicians for the most part.

  6. Don't know why opposing parties pull this trick. It is ridiculous. They just don't want all of us voting. They put in a write-in candidate at the last minute so Republicans and Independents could not vote on this race today.
