Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our local Lake Worth "news" Editor

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Mark Easton
Publisher and Editor of the Lake Worth Herald and a local newspaper that has always been on the other side of reason for reasons unknown. Some say it is their long relationship with people such as Loretta Sharp or those who bring in advertising dollars to its business. It has, however, always been a mystery to me how it takes the poltiical stands that it does. Mark has the ear of some of the Dirty Dozen and has been seen chumming with Maxwell and that group.

To think I stood in the chamber just a few weeks ago and was part of the standing ovation celebrating his publication and family business that has been in Lake Worth for 100 years, makes me sick.

As Katie McGiveron just said to me, "It is very sad what the Herald has become--a mouthpiece for fools and liars.  As Americans I believe that we as citizens have the right to vote and that Easton doesn't respect the Constitution of the U.S."

The most egregious action news publications and the media can take is to demonize the opponents. Allen West has spoken out strongly against the liberal media for his cannibalization. It doesn't matter whether the political opponent is working under the Constitution or not. Nothing matters but to bring the opposition to its knees and to twist the truth to a point of it looking like a pretzel.

Easton, in his latest editorial, has a lot of false allegations and utter off the wall accusations. Much, if not all, of what he says is false.

1.  He says that the PAC is against growth. No it is not. We have never been against growth.
2.  He says the group thinks their way is the only way. No we do not. We do feel our voice should have been considered. It was not.
3.  He says this is the same group that spent $9 million from the reserves with no effort to replace it. Totally false allegation. These reserves were spent BEFORE Susan Stanton was hired during Boyer and Baldwin. In fact, I think it was more like $12 million. Stanton stopped the bleed.
4.  He chastised this group for wanting a fire assessment to pay for the high costs of fire retirement benefits, benefits that are so far out of control that we will never be able to pay the unfunded liability...made possible by all previous commissions ( long before Mulvehill who he likes to trash).
5.  He says that the past commission wasted $100,000 on studies.Voting blindly was a better alternative I suppose and instead of voting without answers as to which would make the most economical sense--keeping our own police and fire or outsourcing. Politics forced us to go with the County which is costing us a fortune, costs for which we have no control.
6.  He says that we need higher heights east of Federal to accommodate a hotel because of the tax base. He fails to say any tax money would not go to the City of Lake Worth--only the cost of services to that property. He fails to admit that there is such a thing as 4 story hotels.
7.  He talks about all those who spoke in support of the referendum as miscreants. When I queried him about his, he said, "I didn't use your name."  He said it was opinion and he was entitled.
8.  He puts all the volunteers as the ones blocking progress and belitltes us by calling it "the little ladies club."

The only demagoguery, Mr. Easton, is not being caused by people who want to vote and keep our downtown a low-rise city and not turning it over to the first developer on a silver platter. We believe in the Constitution and our right to vote.

miscreant - a person without moral scruples    
offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civil law
degenerate, deviant, deviate, pervert - a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
black sheep, scapegrace - a reckless and unprincipled reprobate
wretch - performs some wicked deed

The reason why there was no Charter Amendment in the past, Mr. Easton, is because the city has just now reached the point of finalizing the Comprehensive Plan. It was this trio of commissioners, Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso who did not respect the opinions of the planning and zoning board and the sustainibility manager.

You are really over the top, Mr. Easton and all of us who believe that the people have the right to vote on what their city looks like, deserve a written apology from you for your very heavy handed slur. When you have a chance, check out the Constitution of the United States.


  1. mark wishes he had all the readers you have. Don't worry about him. That paper has always been that way.

  2. He's posturing to a small group of fanatics. Who else reads below the fold?

  3. The Lake Worth Horrible. A bunch of editorials & advertizing pretending to be a newspapaper. I stopped spending money or wasting time reading that rag years ago. It's the like the print verions of Wes's blog. All hate, all the time, never fair but always unbalanced!

  4. An editorial in a newspaper is an opinion just like this blog - Politically incorrect Commentary/Opinion on Lake Worth, Florida and beyond. One does not have to agree with the editor or blogger, but they are entitled to their opinion. It is called freedom of speech. And that is not just for some, but for all.

  5. Thank you for your opinion. Yes, this blog says it like it is. However, a newspaper using descriptive adjectives as did Mr. Easton is irresponsible. It may be opinion but he just lowered the bar for all newspaper editors. Mr. Easton has never made a concerted effort to understand any other opinion other than Mary Lindsey's and Scott MAxwell's. It is way too bad that a news editor has such a small focus to formulate an opinion and tell lies to boot.

  6. I thought it was bad when Parrish was there. Little did I know that Easton would be ten times worse.

  7. Mark is being used and he doesn't even have the brains to realize it.

  8. Miscreant-One who behaves criminally or viciously.Mr Easton,I went out and petitoned on the issue of heights in our downtown corridor. I did not do anything against the law. Letting people have a say on this issue,either for 65 or for 45 feet limitsis not what I would call vicious.Mr Easton,what exactly would you have called George Washington? Now THERE was a true miscreant.And come to think of it, maybe being a miscreant isn't such a bad thing. If it was good enough for George Washington,it's good enough for me.

  9. Mark is not a reporter. He is a mouthpiece for Lindsey

  10. As Suzanne said, "Willy, it's been a pleasure working with you" - this blog seems to embrace willy Howard for leaning FAR to the Cara Jennings/Mulvelhill side of issues here.
    The ONE time the press doesn't go your way, it's jump all over the press for being biased.
    Double standard or what?

  11. The blog is not about the Post. It is about the egregious editorial by Mark Easton who should hold himself, as a news reporter, to a higher standard. He just crawled into the sewer. I rarely ever agree with Mark Easton on anything. He is too closed minded for a reporter.

    Mulvehill was being polite when she thanked Howard. Why is it you people read conspiracy under every rock? You have forgotten what basic cordiality is.

    If you are referring to Marra, he does not understand that with the present charter, buildings can go to 100 feet west of Dixie and 65 feet east. That means high buildings. We are of the belief that 4 stories is sufficient in our downtown. We like it small. We like LW, not some other city replacing it.
