Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tom Ramiccio writes Letter to the Editor still touting selling our Electric Utility to FPL

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One of the main reasons why Tom Ramiccio lost his election last year was his knee jerk reaction to our high-utility costs and wanting to "sell it" to FPL, a corporation that had not even had discussions on buying it nor has shown any real interest. Without knowing even its value and how a sale would affect our operating budget why do some continue to want to just get rid of an important asset. It was "if you can't fix it, get rid of it" mentality that is so prevalent with some of our city leaders who happen to be in power now. Solutions to lower our electric costs are in the works. By the end of next year, we will be out of FMPA and have a new service provider. FPL is continually going before the Public Service Commission to raise its rates. If we ever decide that it remotely could be in our best interests to sell our paid for utility, then we need to solicit many other companies...not just one.

Letter to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
August 2, 2012

FPL may be answer

In response to the editorial “FPL could be ticket to next era,” I was pleasantly surprised that after one year of researching the issue The Post  finally realized that Lake Worth should consider all options to reduce the high cost of electricity to our residents. That means considering all options, including selling to Florida Power & Light.

What a difference a year makes. Last June, as a candidate for mayor, I proposed that we consider selling to FPL and research all options to lower the cost of our electric utility. During my interview with the Editorial Board, it seemed that my proposal to begin negotiations with FPL was premature. When you consider the obstacles that young families and small businesses have to consider on whether to move here or somewhere else, electricity cost is a factor. I only want the best for Lake Worth.

I’m glad that the Editorial Board has the courage to support a good option for Lake Worth. Keep up the research, and thanks for getting this one right.


Lake Worth Editor’s note: Thomas M. Ramiccio is a former mayor of Lake Worth.


  1. Tom didn't lose because he wanted to sell FPL. Tom lost because Tom's Tom nothing more.
    How do you explain Golden and Waterman losing? What do you attribute their losses too?

  2. I forget what Tom lost by and don't want to take the time to look it up.
    Rachel lost by 220 votes. If every worker had reached just 111 more people, she would have won that election. I personally did not take a position in that general election but in retrospect, I should have. Dustin Zacks hurt her tremendously. I have to wonder if he still believes that he did the right thing. Politics can be very rough. He is now on the P&Z as political pay-back.

    Jo-Ann lost for several reasons--the progressive Democratic image, her association with Cara Jennings, the fact she did not return e-mails and phone calls, her stand on Arizona 1070, her stand on the Mentoring Center and encouragement of illegal immigration, she also had a broken leg and could not campaign correctly. All of those things were held against her to her detriment and all the great things she did for the city, were, unfortunately, overlooked at the polls. People wanted change and she lost in a landslide. It's too bad. She was the better candidate.

  3. Why is it that every time someone calls for seeing what the offer could look like from FPL (and face it, FPL surrounds us and IS the cheapest electricity in the state) You scream "they want to sell it!!!"?

    FP&L will only give us an assessment of our utility if we ask.

    Knowing what I know about our contracts, you may be right. But why are you so against letting them present a proposal? Are you afraid it would make too much sense?

    If it doesn't make sense, we can say no.

  4. Perhaps it is only a handful of Maxwell cronies wanting to give away another one of our assets. You know, the people who bi5tch about everything. Who knows?

  5. Lynn, talking about politics being tough, have you gotten the phone call from Jeff's campaign saing that Mack Bernard is in bed with Rick Scott. I work for the Bernard Campaign, and that is the biggest bunch of Bull$hit I have ever heard.

    B. Elder

  6. Yes, along with the mailers. Politics is a sleazy game and it seems like the BIGGEST sleaze balls keep winning.
