Friday, August 3, 2012

Our City just got Slummier

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Dedicated to all those politicos who are in love
 with their own voice and who care less about anyone else's

You can figure out all sorts of legal ways to stop us. You can talk yourself into the frenzy that we are all socialists, anarchists, unintelligent, etc. You can raise money to defeat us. You can spread all your lies about what we did, what we achieved in 27 days--you can say that we want our city to remain a blighted mess,and write that we are "miscreants."  You can hone in on minute details and  harp that speakers at the lectern used the figure of nearly 1,800 signed petitions when in reality I had a database registering 1,790 of which 1,785 were turned it to the Supervisor of Elections. As we know, the SOE certified 1,719 which was far more than we needed.

You can postpone the inevitable until March special election that will cost the city $21,000 and demonize us if you will. You can continue to twist the facts and twist the truth into one big stale pretzel. Hopefully, the next time around you will be tossed aside.

News publications across the country are losing customers right and left and they wonder why. We used to look for our newspaper to get informed. Those days, in many ways, are gone. For a local publisher to write what he did is conspicuously bad politics, untrue and offensive to all of us who hold principles dear. To throw everyone of the volunteers into one mold and label them as he did is just plain ridiculous--done with the sole purpose of arousing a visceral reaction of disgust, anger, or hatred by his readers in order to ridicule all of us who worked on this petition--our Constitutional right.  Irresponsible.

I do know that we all have the right to determine our destiny here in Lake Worth whether it be the beach redevelopment (We did not get to vote on that) or the buildings growing vertically in our downtown. Sometimes it can't all be achieved through a candidate vote. Politicians end up fooling you and things get worse. Take a look at our country as a fine example of that. All Obama can do now is vilify Romney for being a success in his life.

Now there will be a dishonest campaign from all those wanting to change our city and grow it up--have it look like some place else. These people are never happy. The divide will become greater until that side beats everyone else into submission and those with opposing views drop out for good. It won't happen to this gal.


  1. The Palm Beach Post sucks, they lie and sensationalize things and pit people against each other. I will never buy their paper again. They continue to get worse and worse. A huge disappointment for the public!

  2. Our political majority has become a huge disappointment to the public. The papers just write about what is happening here.

  3. How is it that one side gets blasted for the same thing the other get a free pass for? Let's see if the same people who blasted Commissioner Mulvehill for using public money to speak at a conference, will complain about Commissioner Amoroso going - without even a published schedule of who he will be meeting with? Is he just going for a free ride? Terry Brokovich won't have anyone to call and check up on him unlike his calls to Germany to check up on Mulvehill.

  4. Who will Terry Brokovich call to check up on Commissioner Amoroso to see if he's doing his "job" there in NYC?

  5. this is one big dysfunctional city and those in power at the moment are nuts.

  6. Mark, the bully, Easton doesn't think they are nuts.

  7. It's too bad that the LW Herald is going broke after 100 years. Maybe it is that selective "reporting."

  8. Lynn, maybe now the Willy will not have a direct line to City Hall, we will get a true view of what is going on. I notice that He did not respond to Mulvehils comment about what a pleasure it was to work together. Maybe that little comment will lose him his Job. That truly would be a SHAME.

  9. It's always a smart idea to have a good relationship with the Press. Andy just hung up on one reporter or so the story goes with Channel 10 out of Miami.

  10. This group owned by Maxwell that salvitates at this every word doesn't like anything or anyone. Go see a doctor.

  11. Andy hung up on the reporter because he did not have time to speak to him at that moment and told him so, but the reporter started throwing questions at him anyway. He had no choice but to hang up.
    Also Lynn - please ask Andy what he is doing with the schools here and what the purpose of his trip to NYC is - he's doing a great, proactive thing for the town.
    I know you don't care for him, but don't you have to give him kudos for getting the LW walking map done? If you haven't seen it, it's gorgeous and a great asset for the town.

  12. Andy is a downtown merchant owning 2 businesses. Andy is going to do everything possible to promote downtown. He did this before he became a commissioner as head of the Downtown whatever it's called. I don't fault Andy for doing everything possible for downtown Lake Worth...his livelihood depends on it.

    I would like to see the commissioner take a big stand on cleaning up the slum and blight, not only throughout this city but the downtown. It looks bad. When he was on the CRA, nothing changed. Now that he is a commissioner, blight is worse.

    He is in a position of great influence right now and could demand that our city look a heck of a lot better.

  13. Really Lynn,.... How did the previous 'best commission ever' address the blight in a way that you wish the present Commission would?

  14. You are saying that because Andy has now, 2 stores downtown, you assume that his only interest in his home town, is to have developers come in and take over?
    Lynn. Seriously, you believe Andy Amoroso wants his hometown to turn into Delray?
    His paper stand is as it has always been.
    You talk about Suzanne's Germany trip doing great things for LW - and that Andy's trip to NYC is a farce -
    I can't think of any candidate that has more invested in LW than Andy Amoroso -
    Can you?
    I am so confused at why you condemn him so...

  15. Question--why didn't ANY COMMISSION in the past or present address the blight? This was Maxwell's big platform...get cracking vice Mayor. We''ll stand behind ya on this one.

    The last anonymous poster at 1am--get some sleep guy. Andy has a lot vested in his businesses. To imply he is not the least bit self-serving is a big stretch. I don't blame Andy for promoting LW. I blame him for thinking taller buildings downtown will help our city. This is about helping Andy. You tell me how it helps the City. Give me one reason and if I hear "tax base" one more time...............In Andy's case, it might give him more foot traffic--good for his business? Maybe.

    Andy should pay for his own travel to NY. It is personal business and he knows it.
