Monday, July 30, 2012

Mulvehill not to run again for Lake Worth Commissioner

Comment Up

Suzanne Mulvehill
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 6:13 PM

Click here for Howard's article

Subject: RE: Re-election

This letter is to inform you that I have decided not to seek re-election to the Lake Worth City Commission but to instead explore other opportunities in my professional life. My service to the city I love has been both challenging and greatly rewarding, and I am proud of what we have accomplished in very tough economic times.

I ran for re-election in 2010 because I felt a responsibility to the residents of Lake Worth to complete critical projects that were started during my first term. I am confident now that the beach will be completed as planned, and the new electric contract will bring residents relief from the high rates that have plagued us for years. Our new water plant will serve the community with quality water for many years to come.

I want to express my gratitude to those who supported my work and my ideals over the last four years: to preserve our old Florida charm that makes us unique, protect our open space and public parks, and restore economic vitality without compromising our small town feel. It is my hope that someone who shares these ideals will step forward to run for my seat in District 4.

Willie, it has been a pleasure working with you. Thank you

Most Sincerely,

Suzanne Mulvehill

Commissioner District 4
City of Lake Worth, FL


  1. Commissioner, I thank you for all your hard work and for being a top notch commissioner representing our city. You will be missed by many people especially respect for the people.

  2. Thank you Suzanne for caring, I am not so sure many really do. Thanks for running and doing what you could.

  3. Suzanne, Sorry to hear about your decision not to run, but don’t blame you one bit. The abuse & insults hurled at you from the dais and certain members of the public is, as you said, an embarrassment. Now, they can’t say that your passion for the Respectful Planning PAC is politically motivated. But I’m sure they will find other ways to lie and defame you in public. Some people have no shame or decorum. For them, politics is a blood sport. I know that you see it as an as honor and responsibility to be of service to the public.

    Thank you for your hard work, focused dedication, ethical behavior. I consider you to be one of the best commissioners LW has seen in decades. You can take pride in knowing that you helped accomplish what no other commission could: renovation of our Casino building to its original beauty, while maintaining it as one of our public assets. You & the previous commission also took difficult but positive steps to solve the other big issue that others couldn’t: lowering electric rates –again while keeping an important city asset. It may be easy for others to “sell out” and turn over our city to outside interests, lobbyists and corporations, but you always stood for what the average Lake Worthian wants: small town charm and independent spirit. Well done!

    It’s ironic that the good effects of your hard work won’t be obvious until after you are out of office. –I have no doubt that others, who had nothing to do with these accomplishments, will be happy to smile & take credit for the good work you did during your two terms. But be assured that many, many people know & appreciate what you have done for our wonderful little hometown.

    I will be happy to support the candidate you endorse for your district in November. Meanwhile, I look forward to your continued dedication and service over the next few months –especially with difficult budget decisions. Don’t let their BS get you down! –Respectfully, Beth Felti.

  4. folks, suzanne isnt going anywhere...i bet she shows up at the 11th hour with a willie howard exclusive of how she has heard overwhelming support for to stay in the game and finish waht she started!!!

    anyone want to take the bet?

  5. Now we know who the real clown is here, 2:34 above.

  6. Politics is not easy. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. I'm sure Cara Jennings will have a replacement for her within minutes.

  7. Sure! I'll take that bet. What are we wagering? Post your name and own your comment. Don't be a coward.

  8. Cara Jennings has little interest in lake worth politics. Can't you get that?

  9. Lynn, what were you smoking and/or drinking when you wrote "Cara Jennungs has little interest in lake worth politics?"

  10. Is your name really probert or were you the one who was smoking?

    Cara Jennings is only interested in getting Allen West out of Congress.

  11. Well, it should be good riddance to all those who made your life miserable. Politics is a blood sport and your opponents do it better than most. The lies and the conspiracies; the ranting about your trip to Germany that was approved by the entire commission; the insults from a few of them calling you "clueless," and the list goes on. Some people can't stand good and decent people. They tend to drift and hang around people with similar views of other despicables and say the most vile of things. Losers. Forget about all of them. Unfortunately, we here in LW can't forget these people as they are now in power. Sad for LW to be run by bullies and the nasties. Their day will come.

  12. to anon at 7:38 how do you think we loser felt, when Golden said get use to living in a ghetto. I have been in Lake Worth for almost two decades, and have seen it get worst, and worst. Let this be a time we turn things around finally. I do not care if we build 4 stories or Forty. It is time for Lake Worth To grow up and stop being the joke of Palm Beach County

  13. the ghetto comment was taken out of context. She did not mean that literally and you know it. Ask this new commission WHAT IN THE HELL THEY ARE DOING ABOUT SLUM AND BLIGHT. The answer is--nothing. All they think about is how to grow our city; how to spend $11 million dollars of taxpayer money at The Park of Commerce so that developers can come in and make more money and how to suck up to the Unions that have busted our financials.

  14. Wes' blog has to be the most hateful evil blog in Lake Worth, he and so many there are so hateful toward Suzanne. The things hs has posted are just awful. That is why he never won when he ran, he used the same hate tactics and name calling in his campaign and people saw through that. I won't read his blog anymore, he is evil, hateful, and not a nice person, allowing all this mean stuff said and done against Suzanne, but when people say true things about others, he won't post them, like the way Rice keeps his slum dumpy property at 1306 Lucerne. I guess Rice and Wes belong together, both mean and evil, preying on others, but not assume personal responsibility for their actions, and what they say and how they present poor Comm Mulvhill on his site is just downright mean.

  15. Dear 9:01 a.m. The City of Lake Worth is not the joke of Palm Beach County; some of its mean spirited and misguided citizens are the problem!

  16. Well I guess now we will never get Mulvehill's report on her trip to Germany. Another European Vacation paid for by the TAXPAYERS...

  17. It's on the agenda for August 7, as she promised.

    The trip was approved by the King himself as he can't turn down a free lunch.

  18. Well thank the heavens, she made a 12 minute presentation in Germany, so her presentation to Lake Worth Citizens should take about 45 seconds at most. Maybe she can enlighten us with her vacation pictures for the rest of the Two Weeks she was there.

  19. Speak to your best bud, Scott Maxwell. He approved it. Mulvehill has been busy with a referendum, in case you have not noticed. I don't know why you continue to be so nasty. Do you?

    As a point of interest, Suzanne Mulvehill is the ONLY commissioner in recent years that has given a report on her trips. Scott Maxwell NEVER has given one. Frankly, I am sick of all his vacations to Colorado, Phoenix, Washington D.C., etc.

    What about you, anonymous? Should you apply your double standard indefinitely?
