Monday, July 30, 2012

Tit for Tat

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Okay. Tit for Tat. Is that what it's about?
Someone suggested that to me in an e-mail earlier today.

Hint: We can wait for this Charter Amendment to get on the ballot. It's not the worst thing that has ever happened to the citizenry in this city. It is one of the most political and egregious actions by three people, however. By law it has to go to the ballot whether they like it or not.  It should have been put on the ballot for a vote from the beginning. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." You can delay, delay, scream bloody murder, but it's gonna happen.  And we will get to watch how one side, all screamers who want to sock it to the other side, lie and lie and tell the people that without buildings going higher in our downtown it will hurt our city's tax base or some other stupid and false reason to help their developer friends.

We all know that the City does not get any taxes from the downtown; the CRA does. I can see the city now--double the size and double the trash. Double the cigarette butts. Slum and  blight will be overwhelmingly obvious.

Now the consensus is that the present majority fooled some people to get in power and is just "paying back" for past insults to--whom? Maxwell?  No one ever insulted him. They just seldom agreed with him and that's a good thing as our City was better for it, until of course, he came into power and promptly fired our city manager. He was overly rude to Stanton who actually was a manager. Tit for Tat--now he's in the power and it sure turned ugly fast.

One thing that I can say, no one on the Dais before this Trio was rude and obnoxious and sticking it to the people...not one. Cara Jennings had some controversial decisions from time to time. But she was always polite even when some in the chamber insulted the heck out of her. Still am opposed to the beach redevelopment--that should have gone out on a vote. Rachel Waterman tried to get control over the Chamber. Outbursts from the back row were prevalent during her short tenure. Her actions pale in comparison to Pam Triolo's and has made Waterman look like a saint.

Now this group believes that we should just sit there like good little sheep and take their insults, lies and abuse and basically be treated like yesterday's old newspaper.  They twist everything around. Black is now white. So?  You're back in power. This should give you more reason to treat people with some respect. I would suggest that all three of you attend a PBCounty Commission meeting to see how they act towards each other as well as the public.

I still don't know what the trio's story is. I attend every meeting and have for years. I am on the side of honesty and align myself with people of integrity. I was perfectly willing to give this new group a chance but it was soon realized that was impossible because of the decisions they have made over the last 8 months that have not been in the best interest of Lake Worth.

  • Maxwell doesn't like anything.You have to wonder if he even likes himself.
  • Triolo has the ear of all the people who speak the loudest and runs the dais like her voice and opinion is the only one that is right. Please check with the other 36,000 people in this city to get a different perspective. Our commissioners all have the right to voice an opinion. We have the right to hear what they have to say. It is not all about you, Mayor. And our opinion counts.
  • Amoroso goes along for the ride...probably scared of Maxwell. Most people should be.

It is not we who are the clowns.

Is it possible to get back to civility in the Chamber and have the mayor tone down her voice a few notches and treat everyone with respect?

Is it possible that Maxwell can ever stop getting even and staying just plain ugly and exciting the other two?

Is it possible for you to give intelligent and truthful reasons when you stick it to the very people who elected you?

Note  I will not be accepting attack comments on this blog.


  1. Not to mention that too the new city manager sucks. No reports, no responses to emails or calls, he is not responsive to citizens worse than Stanton and most other city managers we've had. What is his deal, he is in cahoots with Triolo, the threesome. We deserve better. Thanks Lynn for seeking the truth and showing all sides, your blogger friend Wes is not so fair and balanced like you are, I am glad someone can show all sides and be fair and honest and not sensationalize or cover for their friends like he does.

  2. " I was perfectly willing to give this new group a chance but it was soon realized that was impossible because of the decisions they have made over the last 8 months that have not been in the best interest of Lake Worth."

    Huh? I don't want you to post this. But you also mentioned how you may have voted for one of the "visionaries". You obviously supported Waterman so you voted for Andy over Joann. That's not a stretch.

    But you gave them a chance? C'mon. Maybe the first meeting and then it was just to see if Andy was going to "side up".

    You may have been a little subdued on Andy and Triolo at first but both barrels are blasting away since they let your favorite CM go.

  3. I didn't vote for any of them. As it turns out, I was not fooled like so many others were. And you are right. They lied during their campaign and fired Stanton. That was not honorable. They broke a campaign promise immediately. How do you trust people like that?

  4. It's not Tit For Tat. It's a slap alongside the head of every voting resident of LW.

  5. Maybe I didn't hear any of them say that they'd fire Stanton or not. There were a couple mentions that they'd give her a chance but were non-committal.

    So maybe you heard something I did not like some sort of guarantee that she'd keep her job for x amount of time. What exactly did they say that is now a lie? Is the campaign promise they broke immediately the firing of Stanton?

    Other than that, they had every right to fire her and many of us agree with the decision still.
