Monday, July 30, 2012

Operating in the Sunshine

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I have been wondering for months now if the "visionaries" operate totally in the Sunshine. Do they communicate with one another on issues coming before them? Do they use a conduit or two or three or four? Do they meet at Dave's and never discuss the city, not one itsy bitsy bit?  Do they get text messages from a few in the Chamber who just have to have their laptops with them at all times while a meeting is in progress?

Of course, they wouldn't do that, would they?


  1. I believe you are confused about the players in this. Cara Jennings was sitting in the audience at a recent meeting on her laptop texting Mulvehill on the dais. Individuals in the audience and on the dais saw it and when a warning was made about no outside communications, Cara shut her laptop. That was the meeting were Lynn and Cara both wore hot pink!!!

    The previous commission communicated outside of the sunshine all the time. Don't remember seeing anything about that on this blog.

  2. You haven't seen it on this blog because I have NO proof that it ever happened. It is only been over the past year that we get citizens with their laptops all of the time--the boys!

    In fact, if you believe it happened, why not do a public information request and find out for sure. Also check on Maxwell while you're at it.

  3. Of course, they wouldn't do that, would they?

    I dunno. Why don't you ask them?

  4. Respectfully submitted:

    You have no proof of the "visionaries" violating the Sunshine laws yet you feel free to post your "speculations".

  5. People see Andy and Scott all of the time frequenting a certain restaurant/bar in the downtown. What are they talking about? Chess moves? The back room?

  6. I think that Jack the Ripper is sending messages to Scott. They are always looking onto their notebook screen.

  7. We may be on to something with Jack and Scott. Check their emails on Commission meeting dates during meeting times. Even if they stop, we have got them on past communications.

  8. They had to accuse Mulvehill of it when they have been doing it all along.

  9. You people must not understand the Sunshine Law very well. It only applies to 2 members of the same board, so Cara can text and email McVoy and Mulvihill all she wants now (I've seen it personally sitting next to them) and Jackie can text or email Scott all he wants (this I haven't seen yet, but I'll keep my eye out). Either way, that's no violation. Glad you all are still wasting time looking for conspiracies so the big boys and girls can actually accomplish something productive around here.

  10. Lynn! You just speculated that Pam, Scott and Andy are probably violating Sunshine laws. Then you blast a poster saying there was never any "proof" that Jennings/Golden/Mulvelhill did the same, so that's why you never went there -
    I know thisbis your blog and that it is not 'fair and balanced' , but come on!

  11. Somebody sit on Jacks lap at the next meeting to prevent him from emailing his real estate student Maxwell what to say.LOL,I know. I just lost my appetite ,too!!

  12. Blotard the clairvoyant got too eager and let the truth slip out-"There is going to be another motion"-I'm sure you ,Lame Duck and Mr. I Second that were well rehearsed by your go- betweens,Peggy and volunteer Mary.Watch out ,Blotard,your corruption is showing. And Lame Duck,even a blind man can see that Jack(I don't live in Lake Worth) Simons is messaging you during the meetings!And Blotard ,on behalf of the citizens and your fellow Commissioners,start the next meeting by looking in a mirror and telling yourself to shut the FUC$ UP!!!!

  13. Thanks for the comments--I especially like the personal one about my broken toe and the way that I walk. I have been kidded about my walk since I was 10 yrs old. You guys are just too cute. :)

    If there is any messaging or notes passed to anyone on the commission, it is part of the Sunshine Law and must be revealed On top of that, the commission, past and present, have talked about this very thing and banned it.

    I did not say that Pam, Scott and Andy were violating the Sunshine. I simply posed a question. Scott is the only one who is always peering into his laptop and gives the impression that he is not paying attention and at the same time, his "boys" are doing the exact same thing. Speculation? Perhaps.

    Do we have honesty on the dais? No. So what makes you believe that we have honesty in this department?

    Fair and balanced? No. But this blogger has no special interest other than giving you my opinion--like it or leave it.

  14. Has anybody reported Jack Simons to the IG.
    They should have people who can look past erasures on his laptop and Scott's.

  15. No. that's their trick.

  16. who cares what scott and some tired old dude from somewhere else are emailing about? They're both dunces.

  17. It was just a question.
