Friday, February 24, 2012

Ignition Interlock Device passes three Committees in Tallahassee

Watch it when you leave one of Lake Worth's night spots!

The ignition interlock device has now passed three State Committees. Jeff Clemens voted for it in January. It will now go to the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.

Essentially what it says is, if you have been convicted of a DUI and you had a minor in your car, or involved in an accident or had a blood alcohol level of over .15, you will have to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. The device would be a mandatory requirement for anyone convicted of DUI.

The law now will make you blow into the interlock device and pass the test before you can start the ignition of your car. If the new bill passes, even first time offenders will have to have the device installed for at least three months.

How to blow into an ignition interlock device

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