Thursday, February 23, 2012

Obama and Energy

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Today he said that he does not have a "silver bullet" solution for skyrocketing gas prices, but he proposed alternative energy sources such as "a plant-like substance, algae" as a way of cutting dependence on oil by 17 percent all the while mocking Republicans who want to drill for oil.

It has been reported that there is enough oil (in all of its forms), and natural gas in North America and its associated territories, to supply ALL of the US and Canada, at current projected growth, for over the next 200 years.

When Obama took office, gas prices were at $1.83 a gallon.


  1. The prices were at $1.83 because of the economic collapse. Only an idiot would think it's obama's fault that gas prices are high.

  2. If the Obama administration would show a true easing of drilling restrictions, the prices that speculators are willing to pay for oil would likely begin to come down.

  3. They need to stop oil speculation completely. Right now that is held up in our lovely house of rep's.

  4. The boom in natural gas you speak of has got problems. The new practice of fracking to extract the gas results in many secondary effects; like chemical laden,flammable drinking water, salt water intrusion in rivers and creeks resulting in fish kills and algae blooms and even earthquakes (4.0 in Youngstown, Ohio this year).
    The process is so unregulated that companies are dumping radioactive toxic waste products. See "Under the Surface: Fracking, Fortunes,and the Fate of the Marcelluse Shale"

  5. To the poster who continues to want to use disparaging names, I will not post your comment. It was fine before you resorted to mud. Please. Calm down and smell the roses. There are 2 sides to this argument and it is unnecessary to resort to name calling. Thanks.

  6. Are you saying you are for drilling Lynn, I am sure there is oil of the beach, right in front of the new Casino. And I am sure that would attract tourists...

  7. Did I say that I was for drilling? I said there are two sides to the argument.
    Where do you dream up such silliness? Did you have to dwell on that for awhile before you came up with it?
