Friday, February 24, 2012

Allen West and his Hummer

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There is only one other person I know who owns a Hummer, Becky Mattey. I have always thought of them as big monstrocities and gas guzzlers and I have never understood why anyone would want to buy one. Mention the name Hummer and you'll either get cheers from SUV lovers or jeers from environmentalists.

Allen West owning a Hummer must stem from his military background. If you own a Hummer, it was designed to travel to the ends of the Earth. We understand that. However, you can't complain about the cost of fuel. It costs you $70 to fill up your tank on a vehicle that gets 15 mph? Get another American made vehicle, perhaps a Ford Focus, 25/35 mph and help the environment.


  1. Cars mean something to many of our fellow citizens that some others just don't get. In someplace it snows or gets muddy, the big vehicles really may have value in their size, but a lot of it is status. That is important for a politician's message. Remember the actor candidate who allegedly drove his old red truck everywhere but it turned out he had a staffer drive it to events? Votes are hard to come by and if there were people who only voted for people wearing purple hats, well, guess what everyone would have at least one campaign photo wearing...

    Sam Goodstein

  2. That style Hummer is far from the actual military Hummers. Owning one of those in Florida is purely a status thing. And with the typical 30 gallon tank try well over a hundred dollars a tank. Drill baby drill so we can all have our status symbols!

  3. His argument is that he should be able to have any type of car he wants and gas should be much cheaper.

  4. Whatever it is buy American.

  5. Awesome attitude! Hide behind freedom to buy whatever I want and cheap gas. How about do the right thing instead of spend it all today and we will bill you tomorrow attitude. I am American therefore I can do what I want, BS! its a different world these days and a politician or anyone driving a hummer is ridiculous.

  6. Someone living in a 13,000 s.f. mansion is probably ridiculous to you as well. You are not into freedom of choice and you hate all 1 percenters and people who have actually made a contribution and who have fought for this country. Get a job and while you're at it, tell Obama to do something about gas prices.

  7. I have a great job thank you very much. This is not about the 1% versus the 99% bla bla bla. Its about a politician representing all of the people, and doing the right thing. I very much appreciate West's sacrifice fighting for our rights as a veteran and for his public service. Driving the Hummer just makes him look foolish. If one made millions and wants a 13,000 SF mansion i don't care, have at it. Driving a Hummer that is nothing but a status symbol on the salary he makes and his net worth is what is wrong with this country. Ford makes a nice midsize SUV hybrid that gets amazing gas mileage and is built in America and owned by Americans. Hummer isn't even an American Company anymore GM tried to sell it to the Chinese but the Chinese didn't even want it!! Its now a defunct company, mainly because it is a ridiculous vehicle to own unless you are trying to impress someone beyond your means.

  8. If there is any defense of this crazy vehicle it is the simple fact that Col. West drives a 2003 vehicle. He is driving an old car by standards if you compare others in Washington driving brand new vehicles, Mercedes and the like. So, he is driving essentially a 9-10 year old car and trying to live within his means, paying for a home in Florida, two teenage kids, and a residence in Washington. It is not cheap living in D.C.

    I would say this is just another thing for Democrats to rally around because you really have no other real things to attack him on.

  9. If its a democrat vs republican thing then why even fuel the fire. I don't care what he is. That's all, we disagree. I say dump the Hummer Col West and lead by example.

  10. I think someone living in a huge house is using more than their fair share of electricity and water and other resources. West lives in a one room apt in Washington, drives an old car when he's in town and has a modest house. Get on to something that counts like reducing the damn debt.
