Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bill Maher GIVES $1 MILLION to Obama Super PAC

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Confused wise guy and often vulgar "funny" guy (I put that in quotes because I don't find him the least bit amusing) Bill Maher just gave $1 million to the Obama campaign by donating to a Super PAC, a type of PAC that Obama used to be against saying that Obama represents his interests. What's that, Bill? More socialism? More debt? Deportation Cases Drop by 1/3 Under Obama’s Backdoor Amnesty Scheme? More phoniness by liberal progressives? WHAT?


  1. Isn't he part of that 1% that these liberals hate so much?

  2. I figured he would donated to Paul, seeing as he is all for legalizing pot.

  3. How much has Shelly Adelson given to Newt Gingrich's conservative campaign?

  4. This is all about the hypocrisy, anonymous--not about who gives how much to whom.
