Saturday, February 25, 2012

Do you Really feel Safer?

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  1. I still have 100% belief in our PBSO D14 Team absolutely. Thanks for the post as you asked a very simply question.

    Yes I believe and contribute to helping them make our neighborhoods and city a safer place to live.

    Nothing in life is perfect or guaranteed but working together is the only way to make a difference.

    Please go to Facebook and search for Pledge Against Crime and all of us as citizens are responsible for doing our part to help our Law Enforcement Agencies to make a difference through out Palm Beach County!

    With commitment and love for all of Lake Worth,

    Robert Waples

  2. Well as anyone who drives Dixie Hwy knows it would be very easy to hit a pedestrian b/c they do just seem to wander out in the middle of the Hwy, they do not cross at intersections, they cross against traffic, often where dark clothes and they are often drunk. I've certainly come close to hitting people on bike or on foot who were in the middle of Dixie and as such I avoid driving Dixie, prefer to take Federal of I-95.

    Re PBSO, yes I do feel safer with PBSO but only marginally so. They did a great job when they were originally hired putting tons of cars and feet on the street and working to aggressively put down crime. But now, not so much, I hardly ever see any patrols in our neighborhood, if I call in which I do with some regularity, to the non emergency number, they are kinda slow on response.

    Crime seems to have gone up in my neighborhood, Parrot Cove, lots of metal thefts and lots of people walking thru looking for things to steal.
