Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gas Prices

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  1. Gas prices are your best argument this election.....oh boy your in trouble. People can see right through it....just look at the 70,000 seat stadium mitt romney filled with 1,000 guests....hahahahahah

    Obama 2012

  2. Oh God no, it's not the only argument. Where have you been? But it will be one BIG gigantic argument as it helps bankrupt the country.

  3. Why doesn't your boy Allen West support the end of oil speculation?

  4. Ahhhh....could it be that he is not stupid?
    "Democrats are totally against allowing drilling for oil in the US. However, they love foreign countries drilling for oil so it can be imported to the US. It seems Democrats want the US dependent upon foreign oil and high gas prices."
    The above quote is stolen from Scotty Starnes but it tells it like it is.

  5. "The number of oil rigs in production in the U.S. has reached a 24-year high, according to oil field services company Baker Hughes. In 2005, domestic production was 1.89 billion barrels. This year, experts say, production is expected to surpass 2 billion barrels." la times

    "U.S. net petroleum imports have fallen to about 47% of the nation's consumption, down from a record 60.3% in 2005, Energy Information Administration statistics show. It's been 15 years since the nation's reliance on foreign oil has been this low."

    Ouch, it must hurt when the facts are not on your side.

  6. It has nothing to do with supply/demand it is all driven up by oil speculation lynn.

  7. That’s an interesting claim, particularly given Hot Air’s coverage of the subject. But record setting production would certainly be good news, wouldn’t it? Sadly, it seems that the President was basing his claims on some recent comments by Ken Salazar. While they sound great on paper, Ken was talking about the total number of oil rigs in the gulf, not the total amount of oil being produced. Jack Gerard of the American Petroleum Institute attempts to straighten out the math for the Oil Analyst in Chief.
    Salazar’s numbers distort the true number of working rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. According to Baker Hughes:
    •Four days before the Deepwater Horizon accident there were 55 rotary rigs actually drilling offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.
    •On May 28, 2010, when the administration announced the six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling, there were 46 rotary rigs operating in the Gulf.
    •Last week, 25 rotary rigs were operating in the Gulf of Mexico.
    So the fact that there is an “all-time high” number of rigs in the Gulf ignores the fact that most of those rigs are not working. Claiming an increase in idle rigs in the Gulf as a success story is like claiming the job market is great because a lot of people are unemployed and available to work.

  8. HAHAHA "hot air" the leading conservative blog. Great sources you got.

  9. "As the premier lobbying organization for the oil and gas industry, Jack Gerard has overseen $30 million in federal lobbying expenditures over the from 2007 to 2011 (quarter 3)."
