Sunday, February 5, 2012

Big Brother will not be watching what you Recycle in Lake Worth

There is a growing rumor circulating in the community that Big Brother will now be invading our private lives by spying on what items we recycle. Lake Worth doesn't care about what you recycle but wants to encourage all of us just to do it.

Last year, Lake Worth applied for a Grant in the amount of $75,100 from the U.S. Department of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG), plus an additional $60,000 was allocated from the Refuse Division’s 2011 budget for the purchase and installation of the Container Asset Recovery Tracking System (C.A.R.T.S).

The City says the purpose of this program is to daily reduce the number of duplicate recycling trips; reduce fuel consumption, and overall emissions. The software will also provide accurate tracking of cart maintenance and collection of data in order to generate work orders. Longer term goal is to further educate the public to reduce the volume and weight of solid waste thus reducing our tipping fees and reducing our overall cost for garbage collection.

The other point that came out of this meeting back in June of last year was that citizens will be encouraged to recycle by initiating “Pay as you Throw” which is an incentive program for businesses and residents to receive discounts on their reduction in recyclable waste removal and rebates of cash credit. The more items you recycle rather than throwing them in your dumpster, could be financially advantageous to you. It definitely will be that for The City of Lake Worth.

The total project cost was approved for $124,307 which would retrofit our two recycling trucks as well as the 13,200 recycling bins. The vote was unanimous.

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