Sunday, February 5, 2012

West Palm Beach 4th on the List for Most Miserable Place to Live

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Here's a plus--Lake Worth did NOT make the list but West Palm Beach was voted by Forbes as one of the Top Most Miserable Cities, ranking the cities on factors like violent crime, unemployment rates, foreclosures, income and property taxes, home prices and political corruption.


  1. Actually they were speaking of the Greater West Palm Area which the article even eluded to Boynton as part of the West Palm Metro Area...So I would say that Lake Worth is was included in that mix.

  2. You're right. We all are included in the mix.

  3. Included is obvious.
    Who is contributing to the low rating is just as obvious to all sides, but without agreement.

  4. It is not a surprise, recall a few months ago we saw a report on here that showed 20% of the cities on their list were Florida cities and were ranked as high crime/problematic cities in the country. FL has major issues, we have almost 20 million in population and a very diverse population, lots of poverty and immigrants from other countries. According to the Census Bur. Miami to WPB is one metro area and we are ranked in the top five of worst most crime cities in the country, we do not live in heaven here folks! But it seems things are getting better.
