Sunday, February 5, 2012

Quote from the Past - David Allan Highet - Think Big

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Think Big!

~David Allan Highet, former National Cabinet Minister, New Zealand

This was a phrase for an economic strategy sponsored by the Prime Minister of New Zealand Robert Muldoon (1975-1984) and his New Zealand National Party government in the early 1980s.

No, Greg Rice didn't coin this phrase but look what he has achieved by believing it.

I'm not talking about the big stumbles and the poor decisions of the past that have cost us big-time. I am not talking about big political egos that have us momentarily dysfunctional. I am using the expression now as a reminder to all those who are focused on the immediate rather than the long-term. In order to achieve great things, you have to think and dream big. You have to believe.

We did that in Lake Worth when we built our own Reverse Osmosis plant, and we can continue to do that. We did it when we finally decided to re-build our Casino. Planning & Zoning continues to believe it as it designs our City, keeping its small town feel and uniqueness. We are on our way and in a few more years you will see the difference from the plans that have been formulated, implemented and are being achieved to make our city sustainable, desirable and a city that will attract more and more tourism, businesses and homeowners.

We have invested in our future. We've got it. We're on our way. We're thinking big.


  1. Thanks for the positive blog post on our city. Lake Worth is the best little city by the sea. We have the greatest downtown, beach, people, neighborhoods, train stop, shops and restaurants, we have it all here, we all need to count our blessings and keep our hopes high that we are on our way to even better and better things. God bless Lake Worth!

  2. I agree with the above comment and post, Lake Worth is great, we finally have very good effective leadership in this city taking charge and making some good decisions and changes to make our city the BEST it can be, in 2013, we will all be proud of how are city has progressed and become!

  3. What GOOD decisions have been made by this commission?

  4. Getting rid of Stanton, getting rid of the fire assessment and opening up the beach project so that we get quality tenants that can pay the new high rent we should have been getting from our older tenants.

  5. Well, that is a matter of opinion.
    1. Getting rid of Stanton was pretty stupid particularly without any good reasons and without a Plan.
    2. Stopping the fire assessment is only a bandaid for the problem that is still in existence. This is a short term fix.
    3. The tenants at the beach paid a fair market rent (per the Finance Director) to be in a dilapidated building that had already gone to hell and in a building where the City totally neglected our asset.

  6. This commission has a ways to go before they are exonerated.

  7. John G never paid a fair rent. I don't care what condition the building was in. They never paid for the water or sewer they used and they maid millions.

    Stanton failure to honestly provide the commission with real numbers and other information along with her failure to get along with everyone is the reason she was let go. The commission has no duty to disclose why they did not want to work with her.

    The destruction of our tax base by the Jennings lead commissions of the past and Stanton's acceptance of that policy lead to every form of assessment she could think of. The new commission sees through that bull and now has to plow through Stanton's fake budget to get to the truth.

  8. Always so negative Lynn, Why can you not give anyone a chance?

  9. Do you have any clue as to what you are talking about as far as John G's? As far as their water bill, they, as do ALL OF THE TENANTS UP THERE, have West Palm Beach water and were billed for it and they paid. As far as low rents are concerned, they were given the lease by The City of Lake Worth to sign and agree unlike the latest fiasco of allowing prospective tenants to set the price.

    You could be right on Stanton but let's see the facts.

    The destruction of the tax base occurred ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. You did read about the huge recession, didn't you? Get over Jennings. One little girl can't destroy an entire city.

    As far as writing this particular blog, I thought it was very positive. You just didn't like my crack about the "visionaries." The poster at 9:53 has a totally different view than yours.

  10. Lynn , no tenants were billed for water or sewer as there were no meters. One line serviced the entire building.

  11. While the Tax Base has been eroded throughout PBC, Lake Worth's decline was greater by at least 10%than the others. So a certain amount of the decline can be attributed to the leadership and programs of Lake Worth.
    Also, the recovery seems to be uneven as other municipalities are already building and attracting new employers as well as providing new goods and services to their communities. Lake Worth seems to be lagging.

  12. Lake Worth is an old city with old housing stock. Some of these houses were built nearly 100 years ago. A lot of them are built on 25 foot lots. Most people, not all mind you, want to buy into a well manicured neighborhood with new houses. They want the bigger bathrooms, the bigger closets. The want more yard. They want the amenities. So, a big problem is that we are just OLD. The other, of course, is the lack of code enforcement having any sting.

  13. You forgot to add that most people do not want to live next to a single family home with 20 men living in it using the lawn as a bathroom and getting drunk all the time. Stanton's destruction of our code department was fully accepted by the old commission which ahd a major impact on the values of our property.

  14. That got corrected. As it turned out as I recall, Code had one less code officer than when Stanton first came on board when she shifted some of them to the Conservation Program. This is a subject of interest, however, and needs to be researched to come to a definite conclusion as to whether or not it had any effect on the neighborhoods.

    One of the biggest problems was collection of code fines. You can't get blood out of a turnip theory. Too many speculators came to LW to buy on the cheap, driving down values and renting to 20 to a room. It got so far out of hand that it was like a snowball in hell that would not melt.

  15. "one little girl cannot destroy an entire city".
    No but she can when she has the help of like minded commissioners and a city manager "that can count to three".
    These are all the people you supported so I can understand why you would look elsewhere for the blame. Even though the code department was gutted during their time running the city.

  16. Well, this blog is not about me. I have asked that you stop being personal but you just insist on your BS.

    You have no clue as to whom I voted for. Not one clue. I vote for the best out of the two candidates and consider all the reasons on the table in every election. This last election was a farce of the first order with Zacks in the game for the sole purpose of maligning Waterman to elect Triolo who feigned knowledge of the entire thing. I don't like dirty politics and that is enough for me not to consider that sort of candidate.

    I just got finished saying that in the end, Code was reduced by one code officer. Is that gutted" in your mind? "Get real" as Zacks would say. :)
