Thursday, February 16, 2012

Aqua Utilities

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Aqua Florida Utilities proved its case to the Public Service Commission on Tuesday--it gets another rate hike of $2.6 million. Who ever would have thought that big business would prevail over the consumer?

The next time you complain about our water cost being so high (it went up 5.25% this year so that Lake Worth Utility could grab some more cash), think of Lake Osborne Estates. They are paying twice what we are for the same product.


  1. Before any of you learned people were on the dais,
    the City of Lake Worth, floated a $69,000,000,- Bond, we're now paying off!
    This indebtedness was voted for, to upgrade our Generators(has anyone of you kept track of that expense???Degree of success?)and build our R.O. Plant.
    Our water production cost has increased dramatically because of the R.O.Plant expense, done without public bidding out of the Sunshine!!!!!!

    Mock Roos is given blank checks of our Utility budget Bank account.Utility Directors have been negligent,lazy to put our big engineering jobs out for public bid, as OUR CHARTER MANDATES!
    Many jobs, former Mayor Marc Drautz tried some out for bid,results: half the cost!!!He was muzzled!

    Aqua Florida,part of the Water-monopoly Aqua America(check NYSE trading)
    pays millions in executive salaries and million dollar bonuses, at our expense,on our backs.Which one of you gets that salary?

    The Lake Worth Contract guarantees that Corporation a 100% profit on the sale of OUR WATER,as Palm Beach Post reported! Who wrote that odious Contract to our disadvantage?How dare they!!!
    Leaders, will fire the culprits, and impose the new price increase for our water,
    to cover help Debt payments,stop $1000,000,- salaries of their executives.
    We are not suckers,or crooks ,like the ones who wrote that outrageous Contract.
    I learned that a vicious,abrasive, crude wannabee College Park inhabitant,has been engaged as volunteer to Pam Lopez, who denied Citizens legal standing.You know it from it offensive conduct,rants, in Commission meetings,attacking your dignity!
    This ill-mannered screeching, bi-polar creature now has access to all our private information,her sole purpose!
    Will Pam Lopez protect our privacy?That is what we pay her for!
    Scott ,please stop this! Please check this and put some controls on this highly odiferous move of Pam Lopez!
    Thank you,
    Dee McNamara, Lake Worth bona fide Citizens' Interests' and Truth Advocate!

  2. Lawerence McNamara must be a patient man.
