Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lake Worth accepting volunteer workers

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In last week's City Manager's report it was announced that community activist Mary Lindsey has volunteered to help in the Lake Worth City Clerk's office. It's nice to see that someone stepped up to the plate to volunteer time, something Mary is used to doing in the neighborhoods. Her first day on the job was Valentine's Day.

Mary's duties will be compiling the packets for the city commissioners for their meetings, making copies, answering the phone when needed and filling in at the front desk when the receptionist is on lunch break. She is volunteering for 3 days a week: Mondays from Noon to 2pm, Tuesday and Thursday from 1 to 5pm.

Through the years, when people volunteered their services to file and help with things at City Hall, we have always been told that the City was not insured for volunteer workers. Obviously that snag has been solved. Our staff is smaller due to budget cuts. As confidential information passes through the City Clerk's office from time to time, I wonder how this "snag" has been solved.

Maybe next we can get someone to volunteer at the Utility and try and find out what's going on there...maybe Finance?


  1. Lynn, can you post the City Manager report from last week? The last one posted on the City website is from Feb. 3.
    Thank you!

  2. If you want to e-mail me, I can forward it to you.

  3. Maybe Mary can find out why former city manager Susan Stanton was fired for you.

  4. Mary already KNOWS why Susan Stanton was fired.

  5. We all know why she was fired... Because she was a horrible manager. Being a great bookkeeper does not make a great manager.

  6. She was managing an entire city. Did she speak mean to you too?

  7. Once again you're right Lynn. Stanton was a great city manager and saved Lake Worth from the brink of collapse. With a track record like that she should have been snapped up in a heartbeat. What's her current job status?

  8. Thanks for your sarcasm above...never really appreciated but it just shows the public how mean-spirited you are.

    It takes quite a while to get a good job especially a city manager position as it usually is controlled by politics. She was only fired 2 months ago. Thanks to you and your brutal friends, it will take some time for Ms. Stanton to be able to give her 18 years experience to another city.

  9. Nice picture of Mary's smile!
