Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Santorum pulling ahead

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Santorum 12 point lead over Romney in Michigan.


  1. Mr. Santorum has some great ideas but he is not ready - yet. We have 'been there done that' with one President - need I say more?

  2. Pork barrel king Santorum, disclosed his tax records, showing this so-called 1%ter
    made $3,400,000,-(see Palm Beach Post)
    with the same Senatorial "Consultants" fees as strictly selfserving Senator,
    in the Fannie Mae best corrupt friend, Gingrich manner.
    Both true Washington insiders, whose Senatorial positions were ATM machines,(must never get back in),
    while the poor in their districts are still croaking.
    Religious intolerance is his part, of his ant-women's platform. 45 Pork barrel projects only for those Companies, who paid Santorum,multi-millionnare making ,"Consultants" fees.
    Starting in the Senate with practically nothing,
    after leaving the Senate
    multi-millionaire!Voting for raising the Nat'l Debt 5 Times, Blue collar?, only on shirts custom made in London? The Spencer,affected Joe College look,to fool simpletons,
    of Cashmere made in Scotland?Italy?
    Fellow legal Americans,
    Position of Leader of the Free World is at stake!

    Mrs McNamara, Watchdog for the truth and interests of the Country!

  3. Mr.Santorum became a millionaire as Senatorial Consultants for lobbyists with pork barrel projects!The Senate was his ATM machine!
    Not the only one!

  4. Most of it came from consulting, public speaking engagements and his appearances as a conservative pundit. Admittedly, a bit came from his work on various corporate boards. Are you saying that he has no right to make a legitimate living? That he should not accept the fees that people are willing to pay? This is enterprise and all that jazz. He didn't do anything illegal. It was not corrupt. Through his fame as a US Senator, people were willing to pay him for his advice, etc.
