Sunday, January 29, 2012

Turkey Vulture

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Turkey Vulture

This bird was two buildings down from me and in that spot for about one hour today.

These scary looking birds first appeared on earth about 40 to 50 million years ago. They ride thermals in the sky and use their keen sense of smell to find fresh carcasses. They are a consummate scavenger, cleaning up the countryside one bite of their sharply hooked bill at a time, and never mussing a feather on their bald heads. Turkey vultures are non-aggressive, and generally do NOT kill. They will not hurt your pets or children. (There are a small number of accounts of turkey vultures killing live prey, but such instances are rare and involve extremely weak or helpless animals, like baby rats, grouse chicks, or small fish.)

This photo is dedicated to the few people who come to this blog and attempt to post vile and nasty comments, who are constantly miserable and find pleasure in trying to make someone else's life as miserable as theirs. You know who you are.


  1. Many of them live in College Park.

  2. That is certainly not true as many vile people live in every neighborhood of Lake Worth!

    And for the record if anyone is interested the Turkey Vulture is a protected species (google it) Thus so are the opinions of others regardless if we like the opinion or not. Freedom of Speech reigns supreme :-)

  3. Please read the comment policy and digest no matter where you live. Thanks. Freedom of speech is not supreme on this blog. If you want to lie and be vulgar, talk to your spouse or the wind.
