Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another reason why I like Rick Santorum

During a campaign stop in Greenville, South Carolina, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, said that he rejects the idea of a flat tax and would propose a 10, 20, 30, plan in its place, reports

“I reduce rates, simplify the code. I don’t go to one rate,” Santorum told News 4’s Michael Cogdill.

“I think people who are lower income should pay a lower percentage, and people who are higher income should pay a little higher percentage. But all rates should be reduced,” he said.

Santorum also argues that the corporate tax should be lifted for companies who produce goods in America.

“We cut the corporate tax for manufacturing all the way back from 35 percent to zero. We need to create jobs for the skilled and semi-skilled. Those jobs, unfortunately, are going to China and Mexico,” he said.

Mitt Romney wants a 25% flat tax. Is he kidding? And Newt has suggested a 15% flat tax.

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