Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Stark Difference - Makers vs Takers

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  1. That makes such total sense that the normal pundits will come on here and knock it all to hell.

  2. What about Scott Olsen an Iraqi war veteran who was injured in the Oakland Occupy protest? You see fighting for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness didn't start in far off wars. It started here at home when a group of people had the crazy idea of independence. These young people simply want what our founding father's wanted, and what our grandparents had. A fair and independent country where working hard gives you a fair shake at life. Not where corporations and profit come before the people. Until corporations and big banks are reigned in and until all Americans pay their fair share of taxes this battle will continue and their voices will be heard.

  3. Two wrongs do not make a right! Both war and lazy protesting from Occupy groups are both wrong, both mislead though by our government and big business. They both need to follow their faith more instead and maybe in this country we need to stop giving everything for free, education needs to stop being free and taken for granted, we need to charge kids/parents for their books and make them pay something for their education from K- college, our country has become a nation of apathy with everything given to young people without having to do anything for it, too much welfare, too many free lunches, too much greed, too much corruption from big business and politicians/gov. War is not the answer, but gov. thinks that war is a way to make money and promote the economy, so keep selling all those arms to Egypt, Syria, etc. so they can use them against Isreal. An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind, two wrongs to not make a right, war is not the answer. Occupy needs to overhaul the gov. WE all need to pray more and turn to God!

  4. Lynn, it is not all black or white like you might like to believe my friend.

  5. I just don't know, not sure if either side is correct here. I always loved what Einstein had to say about matters:
    "As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it."
    Einstein 1979-1955

  6. Not everything is black and white. There are always several perspectives to any situation, that I agree.

  7. The standard of living in the US is going down for the average American. It has been going down for the past 20 years as our government lost touch with those with no real money and got closer with big business. When it takes millions to run for Congress who do you think your congressman really represents. To say that these protesters are lazy and don't want to work is wrong. Many have graduate degrees and many have lost their jobs. All they really want is a more even playing field where everyone has a chance to make it. Saying that education should be paid for is sad. When I was a kid every poor kid had a chance to go to a good public school where books were free. You could play ball in a public park, go to the library any day of the week and get in a good state college that you could afford. Wake up folks. The middle class needs to stick up for what's right and stop attacking each other.
