Sunday, January 15, 2012

Firing of the City Manager

Comment Up
Letter to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
January 15, 2012

The following letter, in many respects, could be talking about the very same thing that happened in Lake Worth--the firing of the city manager. Substitute the name Titcomb and replace it with Stanton in some of the letter and you will see the similarities in North Palm Beach with them having the exact complaints that most of the citizens have in Lake Worth: Firing of the City Manager with no reasons stated; possible collusion and Sunshine Violations.

The Letter:

North Palm owes residents an answer on manager firing

The North Palm Beach Village Council decided in secret to fire Village Manager Jamie Titcomb. He will receive six months' salary, as his termination is officially "without cause." There is no replacement in sight.

There have been comments about problems with "morale." This could mean anything or nothing, perhaps even that Mr. Titcomb was doing his job correctly and stepped on the wrong toes. We are told that the village investigated, then met with one council member after another, presenting the "facts" to each and soliciting an opinion until a consensus was reached. Now, no one wants to talk about it. Never mind the legalities. This is not government in the sunshine.

The people of North Palm Beach are paying for this. They deserve a full explanation from their elected officials, starting with the mayor. If Mr. Titcomb was axed for just cause, why is he being paid off? If not, then what is going on here?


North Palm Beach


  1. North Palm Beach, Lake Worth or BFE citizens and tax payers aren't due an answer as to why the CMs were fired. That's what you elected them to do, remember this is a R E P U B L I C A N form or goverment, a Represented Republic, you elect and they decide. I you don't like it, you'll have a chance at the next election cycle to express your unhappiness. Well, that's if you elect to get your lazy butt off the couch a go exercise your right and V O T E.

  2. I disagree with you on this one. I EXPECT and we SHOULD receive, explanations for each and every vote by this Commission. They are NOT dictators up there.

    So, perhaps you and your lazy BUTT can figure that one out.

  3. To do what they did with no reason is outrageous. I wouldn't ever vote for any one of them again. Sorry I sent one of them $50.

  4. I have no idea how Titcomb was to the comm and public up north, but I do know how Stanton treated a lot of us as citizens and I am glad the comm voted to fire her. We do not deserve to have a CM treating the citizens like crap as she did. Stanton had a lot of problems, maybe even some personal self-identity mental issues that perhaps made here give attitude and treat people poorly, all people have a right to defend her or not, I experienced her firsthand and didn't think she was what Lake Worth citizens needed. I am glad she was let go, I know some liked her, I just did not have good interactions with her. I hope she gets the help she needs and finds happiness someday soon.

  5. You at 7:40 you sound like you're from the McKinnon commission era where they had no respect for anyone in this city. This is what has happened now. we have reverted to bull sh**. You are so wrong that it ain't funny. We all deserve reasons. We all deserve a whole lot more respect as taxpayers. Just because they did what they did does not make it right, not by a long shot. They showed themselves to be power hungry ego maniacs.

  6. No firing is ever going to be well-publicised (sp?). It is not in the best interest of any business to give much advance notice to any person, in the chance they may do harm to the entity before they leave. The commission didn't do anything wrong in this case, although it is a narrow line they walked to do it as such. They further chose to fire 'without cause' so they would not be required to give a reason. This saved the city further time and money in case of litigation. Furthermore it does not prohibit the city from choosing to litigate if they desire to do so. The CM and the town need to move on and look towards the future.

  7. Anony yesterday when you talked about Stanton's mental health--are you a doctor?
