Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lake Worth woman gets burglarized

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Who can you trust anymore? You can't even lock your door and leave your home these days. The City spends more than half its operating budget (from taxes you pay) on public safety and you still get robbed. You contract with some people that should be licensed and insured (or at least we hope that she checked these people out) but you still get "low-lifes" invading your home and taking whatever they desire from you, the guy who works hard for a living and expects to be safe.

Two roofers face burglary charges after $70,000 in goods stolen from Lake Worth work site.


  1. Two from the 99% who want to take it from the 99%.

  2. What does the city spending half its budget have to do with this? How can the Sheriff prevent this from happening? Looks like the Sheriff did his job. Well done.

  3. The Sheriff reacts to crimes. the point is, no one fears the Sheriff.
    The Budget and what we spend has everything to do with everything. Don't get so blase with our money.

  4. Lynn is right again. Lake Worth is the only city in Palm Beach County that has these type of scam crimes, Lake Worth is the only city in Palm Beach County that has any crime. Crime is much higher now than in the past so we need to get rid of PBSO.

  5. You guys are in LOVE with the PBSO. I get it. What I say is still a fact. We have TONS of crime. It is not being prevented by having the PBSO. But you feel safer. Big whoop!

  6. What in the hell was the name of this scum roofing company?!?

  7. Doubt the PBSO could have stopped this one. But I have noticed that the presence of PBSO is way down this past year vs. the initial years of the contract.

    I actually don't see the PBSO now as much as I saw the LWPD and that is a bummer. One of the real perks of the PBSO contract was they put out a real show of force and I think that really helped with crime and perception. Now I never see them.
