Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Voice of Sanity - Rep. Allen West

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A voice of sanity. Thank you, Congressman Allen West [LTC, USA, Retired].

May I suggest that Her Royal Highness HR Clinton and Professor Panetta take all of their liberal civilian buddies out to fight against the Taliban (once they have rid this country of these “monstrous” Marines])? Come, teach all of us Active, Retired and Veteran military how to lead soldiers in combat, and what their punishments should be for what amounts to malicious mischief.

Read the rest of the article by William R. Mann, a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].


  1. Like Republicans are the only one's who serve in the military (please)? Their are countless ways to serve your country without a weapon at hand.

  2. "May the conscience and the common sense of the peoples be awakened, so that we may reach a new stage in the life of nations, where people will look back on war as an incomprehensible aberration of their forefathers!" Albert Einstein 1879-1955

    We need to stop this insanity and stop wars altogether, West needs to be part of that movement, not impressed with his education then if this how he thinks, a warrior, not thinking alternatively. Losing faith in leaders like this.

  3. It is beliefs such as yours that encourage the enemy. It encourages Iran to build nuclear weapons to blow Israel, a democracy, off the map. It encourages countries around the Globe to have zero respect for the U.S. as they take our money. I have no use for wimps and absolutely NO use for turning the other cheek as everyone tries to take us down. It is all just a matter of time when we are a paper tiger. We might be there already. We have come a long way to ensure that all people are treated equally but now want to give some credence to our enemy that does not believe in any civil rights and treat women worse than dirt. What happened to get us to this point? We want to lay down our arms and fight for nothing.

  4. Ron Paul people just don't get it.

  5. Never confuse respect for weakness.

    What West and these marines did violates the Geneva Convention.

    If we are going to fight for civil rights we must show that we respect human rights, even those that we are fighting against.

    To suggest that we want to lay down our arms an cease fighting for principles simply because we demand our troops follow the Code of Conduct could not be further from the truth.

    We must set the example, not debase ourselves by discarding the principles we are fighting for. That is what makes us great, not torture and humiliation.

  6. It seems to be a more normal response to pee on the dead bodies of the ones who were just trying to kill you than to show some sort of weird respect for their corpses. A victory celebration. OK I get it. But these are Marines. Our elite.

    First, it was dumb AGAIN to have someone document it. Our Marines should be smarter than that.

    Our adversaries use power drills to torture their victims before killing them. Who knows maybe they pee on them too.

    We would all be especially embarrassed if they were peeing on them while using the enhanced interrogation techniques used with a rag to simulate drowning.

    It was just bad judgement and bad taste. All's fair and all that stu8ff.

  7. I am sorry Lynn, but you and Mr. West just do not GET it!

  8. My bad, I forgot--Allen West won with 54% of the vote. He stands alone and I am his only supporter. Thanks for reminding me.

  9. "No use for turning the other cheek as everyone tries to take us down>'??????
    Who would "everyone" be? I'd like to know.
    You watch way toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Fox news.
