Saturday, January 21, 2012

Robert Waples on the Lake Worth Finance Advisory board

Robert Waples writes to the Lake Worth Commission--

Re: Finance Advisory Board:

To hear of Mr. Pickett's resignation is very much a harsh blow again to this very important board. What is even more disturbing is that this board is still struggling to become and receive its full potential.

As quoted in Mr. Pickett's Resignation Letter - "It has been abundantly clear to me for some time that this Board has been largely ineffective because we as a Board have not been allowed or able to serve either function. Despite the great efforts of City Staff, particularly Mr. Carr (who I believe is the best asset the City has), we have not, in my opinion, been granted access to financial information in a timely manner on various issues where we might have made a difference in City policy; rather, we often receive the information after policy has already been formulated or decided, effectively watering down any opinion we might have."

I am positive that all of you will agree that this board, if provided the tools in which to do and perform its function, could clearly and in detail deliver to the "Shareholders" of Lake Worth, we the taxpayers, a very clear and true financial picture and make recommendations with feed back from the share holders for a course and action plan. However, we the shareholders still remain in the dark with many of the financial woes of the city. I urge and plead with you, if part of the issue is man power then maybe, just maybe, we need to hire temps to perform some of the day to day operations while permanent staff can spend time pulling the resources needed by the FAB in order to perform and be effective as a board.

I may be way off base here and gladly will accept feed back but it will and still is my personal opinion that the financial woes are not glued to one factor of falling property values but a clear mis-management of funds, unnecessary spending and in some cases a lack of competitive bidding in the past regardless if that is from Staff or Commissions. As a Shareholder in Lake Worth, it would be my wish that this diverse and representative commission throw all the financial "chips" on the table and let's get to the bottom line regardless of what the picture is.

The FAB is a perfect avenue and vehicle in which this can be accomplished and I for one would love to see the city spend the temporary funds to make it happen.

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