Saturday, January 21, 2012

Corporations are not People they shouted

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Photo by Dee McNamara

Move to Amend organized a nationwide demonstration (occupation) at multiple Federal Courts across the country in order to urge that the Supreme Court's decision on corporate and labor spending in federal elections be overturned by a constitutional amendment. Occupy Wall Street joined their forces with Move to Amend to organize the demonstrations.

At the Federal Court on Clematis Street in West Palm Beach, 40-45 people ( mostly mature adults) held signs, listened to speakers and signed petitions to amend the Constitution to eliminate the corporate control of our elective process which has been enabled by the Citizens United decision by the right wing majority on the Supreme court calling corporations people and money "protected speech."

Prior to yesterday's demonstration, 161,000 signatures have been gathered and Move to Amend expected several thousand were added from yesterday's gatherings.


  1. Absolutely, seems as if the Supreme Court members are in bed with the politicians and big business not representing the "people." It is a sin! What really tees me off is that the Supreme Court should being addressing this and not allowing big businesses to even donate to elections at all, we need only from individuals, and caps of maybe only $100 total. Your quote the other day from Roosevelt is still very germane today.

    The Supreme Court should be addressing bigger human rights issues now in this country anyway, like the issue of equal rights for gays, 100% marriage rights from the federal government for all, even if gay. How can the majority be voting on what is good for the minority, with the Special Ed. population, the Supreme Court has addressed this, yet for gays they avoid the issue, gays should not be help back or have their happiness or freedoms limited due to the majority in this country not allowing them the same rights. It just is not fair at all. How can the majority make decisions for a minority, there are fewer gays in this country than heterosexuals. We need to start expecting more from our judges and court system, they have fallen by the side of the road favoring big business and politicians, many who are right -wing conservatives who do not respect of understand the minority needs.

  2. Betsy-Joe, While I certainly agree that corporations should be limited in the amount they can donate to political campaigns, I urge you to become more informed on the issue.

    For example "What really tees me off is that the Supreme Court should being addressing this and not allowing big businesses to even donate to elections at all," could be perceived as ignorant and only helps to strengthen the opposition. Please take a few minutes and read up on the Citizens United v. FEC case decided by the Supreme Court in January 2010.

  3. It was a 5/4 decision so this does not warrant the comment that Betsy could be perceived as ignorant to have her opinion. Afterall, the vote went all the way to the Supreme Court and look how close it ended up.

    President Barack Obama stated that the decision "gives the special interests and their lobbyists even more power in Washington — while undermining the influence of average Americans who make small contributions to support their preferred candidates".

    The really bad thing about this vote is that foreign corporations can have a big influence on the outcome of our Presidency through campaign contributions. NO?

  4. Perhaps some of your followers should actually read the Supreme Court decision regarding Citizens United. It is one of the most well-reasoned judgments that I have ever seen passed down by the court. And it is counter productive for the liberals to be assailing the ruling as most corporate campaign contributions go the the Democratic Party.

  5. This was one of the worst supreme court decisions ever. By the way if corporations are people shouldn't Mitt Romney be charged with murder?
