Saturday, January 21, 2012

Evening on the Avenues

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Lake Worth's downtown was jammed packed last night. There were people buzzing here and there. It seemed like every bar had its own music that was conflicting with another's right next door. No one minded. It was vibrant and fun. Every now and then I hear from someone who says our downtown is suffering. It sure doesn't look that way whenever I am there which is often.

We walked from one end of the avenue and back, stopping first at 531 East, Inc. where I bought a belt. Next purchase was at The Sunflower Room, the greatest place. This is where I spotted this hat and told Barbara Jean, "This is you." She bought it. We next went over to SouthShore and discovered they had changed their menu. Just wanting something small to eat, we then walked over to the pizza place and had a slice with Coke. SouthShore is on my return list of things to do.

There truly is something for everyone in our downtown not to mention that the art is out of this world.


  1. Very nice write -up on our city, Lake Worth is the best and is only getting better. We are blessed to live in such a great place. Thanks Lynn for reporting such nice positive news here!

  2. When you hear that Downtown is suffering it refers to the ability of our downtown restaurants and shops to make it year round. Everyone is busy during the season but the problem is getting business here off season. We all depend on our seasonal business to get us through the lean summer months. It's great that things are busy now because if things were quiet no one could make it this summer. The real issue is whether or not folks are spending enough to get our businesses through the summer. Our high commercial electric and water rates are killing us. Money is tight and many of us are walking around but not spending what we use too. We need to figure out a way to get folks here all the time. I have been begging the Chamber and our commissioners to help get signs on I95 at 6th and 10th that indicate that we have an historic downtown and beaches. We need to market these assets now. We need folks to exit 95 at our City and check us out on the way north from the Keys. Any other ideas out there?

  3. Once our Casino is built and our beach is marketed as a destination, people will be coming at all times of the year. We have a lot of great attractions right now with Snook Islands, our golf course and our art community growing by the day.

    It was sad to see Angel with Theatrics having to move out of our downtown because of a rent increase that was no longer affordable. Landlords should also be more flexible here if they can.

  4. Was downtown Sat night with my daughter and a friend of hers. We ate dinner at Rotelli's. The place was PACKED! The whole street was packed!Barbara Jean,that hat is you!

  5. I have to say I had a ball downtown! We saw so many charming shops and happy faces. Not too much is sweeter in life than a delightful hometown, a sparkling hat and a sparkling friend! Thank you Lynn!!!

  6. I think John's ideas of signs on I95 about our historic downtown and beach are good ones. Can Andy and the commish get this done?
