Saturday, January 21, 2012

Crime Stats Lake Worth

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Week ending January 21--not quite as horrific as usual. That should satisfy all you PBSO advocates who know that the Sheriff is looking out for you and one step away from reducing crime.

Theft 12
Proactive Policing 13
Pedestrian Stop 13
Vehicle Recovery 1
Robbery 4
Quality of Life 19
Drugs 7
Disorder 7
Liquor 5
Property Crime 3
Property Crime 3
Other 43
Death 1
Family Offense 11
Weapons Offense 1
Alarm 10
Other 16
Missing Person 4
Assault 6
Assault 6
Traffic 20


  1. We are paying millions a year for this Sheriff's protection results.
    These stats cost us millions in supplemental payments to the Sheriffs Office,,whose deficits we cover!Which no other City has to pay.Our incompetent,useless Commission,negotiated this.
    Thanks to the raunchy actions of the dishonest element in our City.
    May they enjoy the same experiences as the victims of those stats!
    Lake Worth has become Crime Central,marijuana growing farm,(if truth be spoken) drug dealers heaven and sidewalk flowers'(prossies) paradise, since thousands of illegal alien parasites without jobs, have been encouraged by the anarchistic rabble, and bleeding heart raunchy irresponsible element,to invade our City, for food stamps,wellfare money(OUR) wellfare free hospital care and undeterred drugdealing.
    The rabble cannot finance this criminal invaders' upkeep, so they allow them to rob ,mug, etc.etc.!
    Congratulations to the,rabbles, saboteurs of moral Mayoral Candidate,knowledgeable,gentleman, Laurence Mcnamara.They now have the commission they voted for!Their U.F.O has run back to Portland.

    Dee McNamara, Citizens' Interests' and Truth's Advocate, 21 year proprrty owner.

  2. My resolutions beside loosing weight this year is to be more vocal..... THIS topic is right up my "alley"

    Note one that crime that has spent years building in our city and I Mean MANY years will not go away over night....THINK about it!

    TWO if you want the crime to go down in this city or ANY City YOU the citizen HAVE TO GET INVOLVED!

    Neighborhoods with in Lake Worth are taking a Stance against crime and using the social, text and every other instant messaging systems to get the word out to neighbors to make arrests.

    We in ROLOH have done it and many other N.A.'s have done it and it works.

    Note that we HAVE to work together with and along side PBSO to make this happen.

    They, PBSO, want our input and if we do not, then we are the perps of our own crimes.

    Please make an effort to be a Partner with our Law Enforcement Agency and for Lake Worth its PBSO - D14
