Monday, January 23, 2012

Allen West -- Principle over Politics and Personal wealth

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I thought this an interesting article in today's Palm Beach Post regarding what our Florida elected officials are worth. It showed that in Congress, the wealthiest were nearly evenly split between Republicans and Democrats, 13 and 12 respectively although it is mostly the Democrats screaming against the 1%.

Allen West served his country for 22 years in the military. Everyone knows that military pay is low for a hazardous job. Firefighters make 2 times more than the average military man. A staff sergeant (E6) in the army with 2 years experience makes $27,814. A firefighter makes an average of $45,700. In Palm Beach County it has been reported that over half made an average of $90,000 a year in 2010. A Lt. Colonel with over 10 years experience makes a base pay of around $70,000 a year.

With Allen West, throughout his entire career--his interest has always been in serving others-- Principle over politics and personal wealth.


  1. Yea sure whatever you say.
    How was westie able to keep his military pension again?

  2. I cant remember but doesnt the military officers get allotments for uniforms, housing, education and medical? I think their family gets some of these things too.

  3. You are right anonymous above. I am talking straight salary here. Firefighters get all sorts of over-time pay, medical, etc. and huge retirement pensions.

  4. Westie tells the truth? Only someone who wouldn't know the truth if they tripped over it would be foolish enough to put that in writing.
    American Nazi party and American Communist party? Both parties headed up by Obama no doubt.
    You are Fox news' target market!
    What do firefighters have to do with a war hero that had to quit in secrecy in order to keep his military pension? Who are you to comment on the size of their retirement pensions? Sounds like class envy to me.

  5. What class? I was part of the working class and part of the 99%. So, what in the hell are ya talking about? I forgot. You have no idea.

    You betcha. I am against obscene retirement pensions. Anyone with one-half a brain would be against them as well.

    No envy here. Common sense.
