Monday, January 23, 2012

Lake Worth Commission Ranks City Manager Criteria

Comment Up
The January 24 Commission back-up had the composite sheets of the Commission's responses to the city manager profile and attributes and skills important to them. Finally, no more resumes are being accepted. We have 57 to date.

The City Manager made $157,641.67 in salary and 40,662.50 in benefits for a total compensation package of $198,264.17.

180 points is the top score in all categories with 5 being the top number of points for each individual category. The commission's ratings fell into categories with the most important being Critical to the low ranking of Desirable (not too important). This is the outcome of their ratings:

Mayor Pam Triolo...166 points...4.61 average...Very Important

Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell...166 points...4.61 average...Very Important

Commissioner Amoroso...173 points...4.80 average...Critical

Commissioner McVoy...138 points...3.83 average...Desirable

Commissioner Mulvehill...157 points...4.36 average...Important

So, as it turns out, Amoroso raised the bar giving the most points to what he expects in our new city manager with Chris McVoy's rankings on the low end of the exercise.


  1. Lynn, the ratings of "1" you mention did not come from Commissioner Amoroso. They were from Commissioner McVoy. Please check the individual ratings and comments provided in the backup.

  2. I think your "ranking" system is rather mis-leading. Maybe you dumbed it down for your readers? If you take the time to review the comments and rankings by each commissioner, you will find that McVoy invested a lot of thought into his rankings and comments. It's easy to just slap a 4 or 5 on any of the items (like the mayor and amoroso did) and wish for the perfect city manager who is a 5 on all counts. But not very realistic.
    Reality is that no one will be a 5 in all areas . . . so which areas do you think are most critical? The most thoughtful commissioners, and also those with experience selecting and working closely with a CM, made the most realistic comments and rankings. The mayor could not be bothered to even comment on most of the criteria. But then, maybe that is as it should be. What she knows about a good CM is absolutely nothing, obviously.
    Your slap-dash analysis does a dis-service to not only McVoy and Mulvehill, but to Maxwell too.

  3. What you just said is absolutely correct. I apologize if I got anyone's nose bent out of shape. That was not my intention. Frankly, I had no time to read, comprehend and analysis all 38 points from each commissioner. It is all in the back-up that will support what you said, anonymous at 10:06. Thanks again.

  4. I believe they will get it correct using this ranking system

  5. Andy expects God. No wait, we already had a great city mgr.

  6. Who was the great city manager you are referring too?

  7. Still waiting to see who the great city manager was? Is it Paul Boyer? No couldn't be him, Lynn didn't you and your friends start a letter writing campaign to prevent him from getting hired 1,00 miles away? Must be someone else. Please who was it?
