Monday, January 23, 2012

An Arrogant Little Coup

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Andrew Marra wrote again today on Mr. Titcomb's firing in North Palm Beach.

He talks about the firing of their city manager with no explanation to the public. He mentions back-door deals, a mockery of Florida's open government laws and the fact that North Palm Beach's commission listed no reasons for the termination of its city manager.

Just change the name to The City of Lake Worth and we have the same little arrogant type of commission right here. Perhaps they are demigods trying to ascend to true Godhood right on the Lake Worth dais.

Even if he did contribute comments in his city manager rankings.
The category that was missed--
"Do it the way the Vice Mayor tells you to do it."


  1. What a picture of the dictator. I still think he belongs in Hitler`s army. LOL

  2. A Jewish LW TaxpayerJanuary 23, 2012 at 1:22 PM

    There is nothing funny in calling someone a Nazi!

  3. Someone said "Hitler's army" not Nazi. Too bad they didn't use the descripitive noun of Nazi--much more right in your face.

  4. YaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnYaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnYaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    Did someone post something about the FIRED city manager again?
    Like your first boyfriend/girlfriend, it's time to let go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. No, actually if you would learn to read you would see that this blog is about ARROGANT commissioners.

    Personally, I don't like people who F*&K up my city whether it is Paul Boyer or Bob Baldwin. And they both did a number here in LW.

  6. Let's see you not only allow a blog calling an honest hard working long time resident of the city a nazi, you encourage it.
    Next week you'll be complaining about Maxwell not returning your phone calls or emails. Does that make any sense to you?
    If you only respond to 1/2 of a post, how is everyone supposed to know that you and your friends in fact did write and send letters trying to prevent Paul Boyer from getting hired in another state? Wasn't this political because he didn't do what you wanted him to do? A little hypocritical don't you think as you claim Stanton's firing was political?
    Were you not referring to the firing of Stanton yet again?
    Maybe I made a mistake.

  7. I encourage free speech.

    Next, as far as your false charge of me and my friends writing Columbia, Tennessee to inform them that Boyer was this or that, your allegation is totally false. I wrote a comment about him in their local newpaper I believe. It really is too long ago. Don't have any idea what anyone else did here. As far as Boyer not doing what I wanted him to do, I did not fire him nor had I even entertained that idea. Check with Nadine Bruns on that one.

    Next, as far as mistakes go, people make them and you did this time. If you want a personal tit for tat with me, send me an e-mail. Otherwise, you just come across as part of the blog title.

  8. It was Boyer who got us in deep chit with Greater Bay.

  9. Lynn, Since you brought up Boyer and Baldwin, were they both terminated and were the taxpayers asked for an opinion?

  10. There were plenty of reasons for Boyer-- I don't really remember as it was past Midnight when the motion was made to fire Boyer. Everyone still in the Chamber was stunned. I only recall how shocking it all was. Baldwin was not terminated but it was he who ran through millions of our reserves. Baldwin was making a fortune off of us and never was here. If anyone should have been fired it was he but Retha loved him. Stanton was trying very hard to turn it all around. We didn't get to where we are today without a lot of bad management. It takes years to straighten out messes.

  11. What did Boyer have to do with Greater Bay? Did he vote to approve them? Did he file the lawsuits that's costing the city millions? Or did he tell you that the city would lose any lawsuits to Greater Bay and not to break the contract? Or was it his decision to move forward on the Sunset parcel, another losing proposition for the city? Funny how these things come to light.
