Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Voting Precincts

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Last night as I was following the elections, 12 precincts out of 14 had reported and the mayoral race was neck and neck at 49% each. After all the precincts had reported, Triolo went way ahead. It was not Murry Hills that brought home the bacon for Pam Triolo but College Park, her own neighborhood. Not including absentees or provisional votes, College Park gave her 322 votes to Waterman's 151.

The condo neighborhoods along Lake Osborne Drive went with Waterman. Elderly people are much more reluctant to embrace change. They have learned from years of experience that usually you just substitute one turkey for another as Maxine would opine. The fact of the matter is, no one really bothered politicking out here because 1) 75% of our residents are not here and 2) there are some canvassing restrictions at some of the condo communities such as Murry Hills. They won't let you step one foot on the grounds there. This is why old people don't have any leverage and usually lose out such as the trolley, shuffleboard courts and the like. They make it difficult for themselves.

Triolo won 8 precincts and Waterman won 6. Waterman's largest support was in precinct 7090 with 156 votes to Triolo's 96. You have to pick up a lot of votes in College Park if you want to win an election in Lake Worth.


  1. Sounds like you are saying that the newly elected Mayor and Commissioner should ignore comments from western condo owners like you Lynn. Because you don't represent the majority of voters in your opinions----given the wide diversity of platforms of the candidates in this election?

  2. Dale, I don't know how you get that out of what I said. I have read your opinions before and normally I never know what in heck you're talking about. Must be me and being "elderly."

    Seniors are just one demographic in this community-about 14%. ALL candidates ignore the elderly. Part of that is our own fault. I refuse to let that happen to me and you will too when you get to be OLD. At least I hope that you will keep on trucking.

  3. Great Post! I have been looking at the numbers too, and I am amazed at how close some were and how far apart others were.... Also from a 30% turnout in CP, to the Average of about 20%....there were some neighborhoods that just didn't have much at all. I'm happy to say Pam and Andy kicked butt in my neighborhood, but our turnout was below average... I will have to learn more as I don't know all the precinct numbers in comprison to the neighbohoods... Very Cool though....

  4. Interesting concepts presented here.
    Has the past divisiveness in Lake Worth resulted in our City Government degenerating into a majority rule, like a Democracy---i.e. the past two Commissions having 3-2 and
    4-1 votes consistently? Or will this sitting commission conduct themselves more like a Republic with Leadership and a goal of “the greater good”.
    Certainly the landslide for Andy repudiated the decisions of Jo-Ann and the significant spread in the Mayor’s race was a move towards a more business approach, with a rejection of the Budget and the resultant Special Assessments. At least that is the way I read the elections. Others may differ.
    I wonder how the actions of the Commissioners and their oversight of the City Manager, Internal Auditor and the City Attorney will play out? Will we have a 3 person Commission or a 5 person Commission? Will the peanut gallery ever be heard, or will the Commissioners vote the way the people who elected them expected them to vote?
    Interesting times in Lake Worth.

  5. 3064 rules!!!!!!!!!
